From: "Andrew Hickey"\

 Or you can > > always listen to one of the ongoing debates at a downtown park. "Look at > this article," someone > > will shout, and a half dozen people will flip through the constitution's > 35,000 words and 350 articles > > to find the pertinent passage. "Yes," someone else will cry out. "But this > one here is more to the point." > >

 This might be true, but it just reminds me so much of those stories you used > to get in the Morning Star or whatever about the Iron Curtain countries, > about happy workers discussing Marx... obviously Venezuela is very different > from those countries, but the tone of this paragraph just tickled me... >

yeah...i would be wary of new can be sensational without being true

i am going on some experience i am loathe to divulge in a public arena but i will say that everyone i have met from cuba was pretty mellow and in love with their homeland

Mixed Muck: September 11th - What You Wanted to Know!
Posted by: Anonymous on Aug 18, 2002 - 09:23 PM
Conspiracy Is it just a coincidence that many of the same players that are in 9:11and everything from the Bay of Pigs to Operation Northwoods to LBJ to the Miami 5 to JFK's assassination to the Venezuelan Coup to Jeb Bush and the election fraud to Florida Flight Schools to Iran-Contra to BCCI all have Florida connections?

EVERY link below contains connection between said topics and the anti-Castro bunch that did in Kennedy, the same bunch that ran Iran-Contra and that also, seems to have direct connections to Oklahoma City.




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