Changing nature of work and the market.


> The Customizer Is Always Right
> Why I said good-bye to one-size-fits-all and became part of the mass
> one-to-one market.
> By J. Bradford DeLong
> Somewhere in the depths of the Lands' End Internet operation, a computer
> has got my number.
> It started with a simple email offering a free pair of pants if I would
> send in my waist and inseam measurements and the shape of my thigh. I did.
> The pants came. (Actually, a bug caused me to receive two free pairs, but
> I'm not complaining.) I forwarded feedback on the fit, and the computer
> tweaked the measurements.
> The net result: a great pair of pants for not a lot of effort.
> "You're a typical American male," my wife, Ann Marie, said. "They're
> guessing that you don't like to shop, value convenience above all, and
> will pay just to avoid having to go to the store. I've bought 10 times as
> much stuff at the Lands' End Web site as you have, and they've never
> offered me a free pair of pants."
> She's right. Ordering online versus going to the mall is no longer much of
> a choice. The fact that after an hour at the store I emerge with something
> that's an inch too long has made me even less enthusiastic about the mall.
> And so Lands' End cleans up, charging me extra for the quality of the fit.
> I'm not alone. Custom orders reportedly account for 40 percent of the
> company's Web site sales in the chino and jeans categories. "When we went
> into this, we estimated it would be 10 percent," Bill Bass, senior VP of
> ecommerce and international sales, recently told The New York Times. But
> it turns out that once customers are confident the fit is right, "they'll
> typically buy every color in those jeans or chinos or whatever." And
> Lands' End did this with no advertising beyond its mail-order catalog.
> Futurists have long forecast that the information age will mark the dawn
> of mass customization, just as the early 20th century saw the rise of mass
> production. Everything from breakfast cereal to business-school textbooks
> will be specially tailored to your tastes or needs.
> It's a big switch from the model pioneered by Henry Ford. Back then, the
> idea was to focus on cutting costs to the bone by making as many
> completely identical products as possible. Thus Ford could take maximum
> advantage of all available efficiencies. And he'd sell you any car you
> wanted - as long as it was a black Model T. He was in the business of
> selling transportation as cheaply as possible, and giving a consumer a
> choice of model or color would complicate the system, erode the scale
> economies, and raise costs.
> Yet it turned out that people wanted the freedom to buy a car that didn't
> look like everybody else's. At General Motors, Alfred P. Sloan and his
> fellow executives figured out that the principal economies of scale were
> to be found in the manufacture and assembly of the chassis and drivetrain.
> They came up with an alternative business strategy: Take advantage of all
> enabling technologies and margins, then slap a body - a Chevy, an Olds, a
> Buick, a Caddy - on top and paint it whatever color - red, cream, green,
> black - customers wanted. For 10 to 20 percent more than Ford charged for
> its Model T and then Model A, consumers could have a car that looked the
> way they wanted it to look rather than the way Henry Ford wanted it to
> look. From the late 1920s into the 1970s, GM raked in the profits,
> because, hard as it may be to believe, some people really did want a
> lime-green Buick with large fins.
> GM offered choice, but it wasn't really customization - no more than being
> offered blue or tan chinos in size 34 or 36 is customization.
> Mass-production apparel operations have no clue which pair of pants are
> destined for me. They distribute clothes in various sizes and styles with
> no real knowledge of tastes and preferences until the end of the season -
> when sold-out lines represent lost opportunities and discount racks stand
> as reminders of costly wrong guesses. 
> Now we may be on the verge of the era of mass customization. Today, it's
> possible - if not quite easy - to keep track of which pair of pants sewn
> in Mexico goes to which US consumer. And it is the extraordinarily low
> cost of information processing that is the key.
> How important is all this? It may be very important. There may be a huge
> array of goods for which people are willing to pay a hefty premium to get
> exactly what they want. From custom Baby Gap sweaters and Barbies to
> personalized golf clubs and perfect reproductions of your broken-in jeans,
> mass customization is rapidly replacing one-size-fits-all commodities. 
> Meanwhile, there has been a slight shift in the economy. 
> There is a fraction less of a job in men's pants sales in California.
> There is a fraction more of a job keeping a server running for Lands' End.
> Somewhere in Mexico, a factory has added employees and shifted its mix of
> products to occasionally make not the normal run of pants that then need
> to be altered but a special pair just for me.
> Contact J. Bradford DeLong at
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