Hi Steve and Bruce,
Thanks for the excellent web site Steve.
I posted a book review of this book on FW several months ago. Not a peep
in reply. I felt that was strange given that most FWers are
professionals of one sort or another.Maybe our minds are too
Noam Chomsky, David Noble and John McMurtry's books all support
Schmidt's thesis.

Take care,

> Bruce,
> Haven't read the book, however there is a companion website,
> http://disciplined-minds.com/, which describes some of the controversy
> and
> consequences the book generated both for the author and others in his
> support.
> Steve Bosserman
>   -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bruce Leier
>   Sent: Monday, December 30, 2002 7:01 AM
>   Subject: [Futurework] Book on how Journalists and other work in our
> coporatized world
>   Have any of you FWers read this book?  Looks very interesting.  Jeff
> Schmidt, Disciplined Minds - A Critical Look At Salaried Professionals
> And
> The Soul-Battering System That Shapes Their Lives, Rowman &
> Littlefield,
> 2000.
>   Bruce Leier
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