Hate to take issue with a minor point in your buffet of provocative postings, Eric, but the media does cover the drug epidemic of crank/speed/meth.  And it’s not just an urban problem, having moved in and devastated a lot of Midwest farm communities, where cookers have relatively fewer police to contend with than large towns and cities. 


A recent news report in the Portland, OR area indicates that Meth has even become, to my horror, an alternative diet and “go” pill for young mothers who have busy demanding schedules.  


However, you don’t hear much about curbing drug use anymore, or addressing the underlying problems:  everything is being impacted due to “budget priorities” with the so-called War on Terror, or as an historian said about the 2002 midterm elections, “GW Bush ran against Saddam Hussein”.  This, however, is not ‘politics as usual’. 


Karen Watters Cole

Eric wrote:  I have been calling GW the methamphetamine president for some time now.  There are more people in America addicted to crank than there ever were crackheads on the streets, by far.  Yet not a peep in the media about this historic epidemic.

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