Thanks Eric,   Now Harry, this IS something that you could and should pin on Clinton but would you have to say the same for Bush?     Here's where we COULD use a little un-Clinton, to quote Ari Fleisher.    Or is this on of those places that Republicans complained about Clinton out Republicaning the Republican business folk?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 04, 2003 7:30 PM
Subject: [Futurework] How Pharma Took Over Medicine: Research and Practice_ BMJ / NYT

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: How Pharma Took Over Medicine: Research and Practice_ BMJ / NYT
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 10:16:10 -0600 (CST)

To: Tommy Thompson; Thomas Laughren; Rosemary Roberts MD; Robert
Temple MD; Richard Nakamura; Lester Crawford MD; Kathryn Zoon; Janet
Woodcock MD; Eve Slater MD; Elias Zerhouni; Duane Alexander; Dianne
Murphy MD;

David LePay; Christine Whitman; Charles Curie; Bernard A. Schwetz;

Anthony Fauci; Janet Rehnquist

Contact: Vera Hassner Sharav 212-595-8974 e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


In today's New York Times Dr. Erin Marcus writes:

"Medicines aren't like shampoo or perfume."

But they're being hawked on TV as if they were just another
'enhancer'--when in fact, they come with glossed over risks of harm.

1997 was a watershed for the pharmaceutical i! ndustry: it succeeded
in redirecting medicine from its scientific evidence based practice
to one driven by marketing.

The drug industry launched an aggressive advertising campaign
directed at consumers.

The FDA, the agency that is supposed to regulate the industry, sat
idly by as fraudulent claims, lies and disinformation spread over
the air waves. Indeed when a judge recently tried to pull a Pfizer
advertisement, the U.S. Justice Department intervened, claiming FDA
has jurisdiction, not the courts! The US government thereby exempted
drug companies from "truth in advertising statutes."

In 1997 drug companies also embarked on a collaboration with academic
researchers set about creating "diseases" for their products. They
labeled fleeting problems as "dysfunctional conditions", and
pre-emptively labeled people--including children-- as "at risk" of
a "condition" for which a prescription drug was either in need of
a mar! ket or about to be launched.

And the drug industry took over the function of "educating" doctors
about drugs.

This marketing strategy has trivialized, if not debased the practice
of medicine, undermined the physician-patient relationship, depleted
healthcare budgets with drugs whose advertising costs was passed
on to consumers. But the strategy has reaped enormous riches to the
pharmaceutical industry. No wonder this industry spends billions
on bringing physicians into the fold and billions more to influence

"A recent report by the General Accounting Office estimates that
every year at least 8.5 million Americans request and obtain specific
prescriptions after seeing or hearing ads for particular drugs. In
2001 drug companies spent about $2.7 billion on such advertising,
a 150 percent increase since 1997, when the F.D.A. loosened its
rules on advertising.

An investigative report in The British Medical! Journal sheds light
on one example of the collaborative effort between drug companies
and doctors who can't say no to $$$.

This unholy alliance conceived of a scheme to convince women they've
sexually dysfunctional and in need of a pill:

"The Making of a Disease: Female Sexual Dysfunction" by Ray Moynihan,
journalist BMJ 2003;326:45-47 ( 4 January ):

" Perhaps the greatest concern comes from the flip side of inflated
estimates of disease prevalence the ever-narrowing definitions of

which help turn the complaints of the healthy into the conditions
of the sick. These revelations about female sexual dysfunction
should spark a more widespread and rigorous investigation into the
role of drug companies in defining and promoting new diseases and

In an Op Ed article in The New York Times (below), Dr. Erin Marcus,
a University of Miami internist decr! ies FDA's relaxing of the drug
advertising rules in 1997.

ion=top THE NEW YORK TIMES January 3, 2003 When TV Commercials Play
the Doctor By ERIN N. MARCUS

MIAMI Several months ago, a woman walked into a clinic where I
work and asked for Prempro, a hormone replacement drug. She wasn't
bothered by hot flashes or interested in preventing bone loss the
usual reasons we would have prescribed this drug. She just wanted
to look like Patti LaBelle. Back then Ms. LaBelle, along with Lauren
Hutton, was an official Prempro spokesperson, promoting the drug
in television advertisements in which she sang of her "new attitude."

Last summer, Wyeth, the manufacturer of Prempro, stopped running
the ads after a major federal study found that women taking the
drug for four ye! ars or more had a higher risk of breast cancer than
those who took a placebo.

Patients have stopped asking for Prempro but they continue to ask
about other heavily promoted drugs, like Vioxx, a pain medicine
whose ads feature Dorothy Hamill skating lithely around a rink.

Since the Food and Drug Administration relaxed its rules governing
advertising of prescription drugs five years ago, I've seen a steady
increase in the number of patients asking for certain expensive new
medicines. Often these patients don't really know the purpose of
these drugs or their risks or side effects they've just seen a
nice ad on TV or in a magazine. While I've usually found that I can
convince patients that they don't need these drugs (if they're
inappropriate), it can be very hard to persuade patients to try
pain relievers other than Vioxx and Celebrex, since often patients
in pain are looking for anything that will help, and these drugs
are e! ffective and well known.

A recent report by the General Accounting Office estimates that
every year at least 8.5 million Americans request and obtain specific
prescriptions after seeing or hearing ads for particular drugs. In
2001 drug companies spent about $2.7 billion on such advertising,
a 150 percent increase since 1997, when the F.D.A. loosened its
rules on advertising. This is still less than the amount drug
companies spent promoting their drugs to doctors (and I'll admit,
I've listened to their talks and eaten their sandwiches). But most
doctors, unlike patients, make their decisions based on clinical
experience, and at least where I work, doctors usually greet these
drug promotions with a dose of skepticism.

Perhaps the most unsettling finding of the accounting office report
is that many of the prescription drug ads are misleading and are
seen by millions before the government even considers stopping them.
The F.D.! A. is not required to review the ads before they hit the
airwaves. Often, by the time the agency sends out letters telling
companies to stop a particular ad, it has already run for months
and been taken off the air.

Some have blamed a new step in the F.D.A.'s review procedure for
the slowdown in removing misleading advertisements from the airwaves.
Even so, the regulation of prescription drug ads aimed at consumers
was limited already. The agency requires that these ads include
balanced information about a drug's risks and benefits but allows
them to greatly summarize side effects.

The new director of the F.D.A., Dr. Mark B. McClellan, has said he
plans to set new standards for the ads and toughen enforcement. But
many of us who have to answer patients' questions every day wonder
whether these commercials should be on the air at all.

Medicines aren't like shampoo or perfume. They're things people
need to maintain healt! h, not discretionary products a person can
use or throw away on a whim. I'm all for educating patients so they
can make informed decisions about treatment. But these ads aren't
educational tools, they're sales pitches and as hard as we doctors
try, it's tough to compete with the likes of Patti LaBelle and
Dorothy Hamill.

Erin N. Marcus is a general internist and assistant professor of
clinical medicine at the University of Miami School of Medicine.

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