Good points, Harry.  But you have to admit that we've become a consumer
culture.  My wife and I are as guilty as anyone.  In one corner sits an
exercise bike, very rarely used.  In another, a shredder, used once.  We
have four computers around the house, more than enough for a family of
three.  I do wish I wasn't so rational and that my wants weren't so


Ed Weick
577 Melbourne Ave.
Ottawa, ON, K2A 1W7
Phone (613) 728 4630
Fax     (613)  728 9382

> Ed,
> It surely isn't a free market, but we must be grateful, when the market
> significantly helps.
> You are right about our being manipulated into buying all these gadgets we
> don't really need.
> Look how people were persuaded to turn from good solid wood stoves to gas
> and electric stoves.
> Then, there was the washing machine. I know that Gwen would have preferred
> to take the clothes down to the river, where she could scrub them on
> stones. But, she was manipulated into believing tossing them into the
> machine was better. Poor gullible woman.
> The trouble with that fancy gadget - the vacuum cleaner - was that it made
> cleaning so easy - the modern housewife spends more time cleaning than she
> used to in the old days when it was more arduous.
> There again, how could we be convinced that washing and rinsing our dishes
> multiple times in boiling water is better than standing at a sink rinsing
> them in lukewarm water. We really are susceptible.
> Then, how about those 20 million a year who buy DVDs because they are
> conned into believing they like a better picture and superior sound.
> Particularly, as the conning is by those corporate hustlers who are freely
> selling the gadgets at $50 rather than $500.
> They are practically philanthropists.
> Now, I must go out and buy one of those vehicles that has blinding speed,
> corners on a dime, accelerates like that time machine, yet is equipped
> television, a satellite positioning device, and a device that will take
> over the driving from you while you sleep. (Well, perhaps not the last
> Harry
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ed wrote:
> >Harry, the same thing seems to happen with a lot of other things we are
> >conned into buying.  The point you seem to be missing is the conning
> >What was so wrong with VHS, or simply going to the movies?
> >
> >It's not a free market.  It's all about strategic selling.  Initially,
> >sell a "gotta have" product at the highest possible price and then bring
> >price down as the market fills up.  And, yes indeed, competition enters
> >it, but the initial step is to manipulate consumers into buying something
> >they may not really need but are persuaded to want.  We have an
> >capacity for turning out gadgetry, and a corresponding capacity, perhaps
> >even larger, to make us feel we need it - i.e., for making our wants
> >infinite.
> >
> >Another strategy is to divide the market into little pieces, and market
> >products to the exclusive few who can afford them.  There's an ad aimed
> >"the select few" in today's paper marketing a car that will soon come "to
> >left lane of you", meaning that it will pass you at a high speed.  Of
> >course, it has other desirable features such as a very powerful engine
and a
> >very high price.  Those of us who look at cars as appliances, much like
> >stoves and fridges, can only wonder, and perhaps yearn a little.
> >
> >So, to repeat, it's not a free market, it's highly manipulated.  Ever so
> >much of it depends on having to have the latest this or the latest that,
> >feeling that you are making everybody envious because you have something
> >they can't afford.
> >
> >Ed
> ******************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of LA
> Box 655
> Tujunga  CA  91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141
> Fax: (818) 353-2242
> *******************************


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