Agree,   It's interesting that the Indians of the Andes have used the
cocaine leaves for over a thousand years without all of the addiction
issues.    They were sold in the super market for altitude sickness.    Not
that they aren't dangerous but all addictions are dangerous and a little
elevation of consciousness in other than drug ways is always preferable


----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Pollard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Ray Evans Harrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 7:58 PM
Subject: Free market in drugs.

> Ray,
> How right you so often are.
> We should stop the drug war overnight - or we say, between tea and
> Decriminalize all drugs. Allow them to be sold at any pharmacy.
> This would take the profit out of drugs. It would no longer be worthwhile
> to seduce children and adults into the habit. Those who have it would no
> longer suffer the underdose/overdose syndrome. once it's no longer a
> felony, those who are hooked would be more available so remedial work
> be done.
> We would also stop chasing around the jungles of Columbia harming the
> One-Winged Nuthatch.
> Harry
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ray wrote:
> >It is an interesting thing to find out how much capital for the current
> >world is based upon former deals with Nazis, or being the Drug Lords that
> >conquered China and made addicts of millions to open the market for
> >tea.    So the Iraqi oil is the future capital for the work in the 21st
> >century.    Of course we don't like the current drug Lords very much and
> >so have to kill and make destitute with Chemical warfare the peoples
> >living in the Rain Forest.    If the 1491 article that I posted on the
> >list earlier from the Atlantic Magazine is true then we are destroying
> >last great Garden of the pre-Columbian builders because we can't control
> >our own addictions.    Baghdad is next.   That Judeo-Christian Ideal is
> >amazing.   Makes you understand burning the Alexandrian Library.
> >
> >Today I'm watching the current dance around tax structures and Dividends,
> >which we didn't discuss when I posted the Cramer article earlier, but
> >George Bush listened to and proposed yesterday.    And
> >furthermore,  reading the NYTimes article this morning,  how the States
> >are going to be ravaged even further by the Dividend deal because it will
> >stop their taxes on Dividends tied to the Federal Government and the rise
> >in purchasing tax exempt dividends will make Municipal Bonds raise their
> >rates to compete which makes less money for State programs.    All for
> >Capitalism.    And for the people who "pay most of the Taxes."
> >
> >Actually since most of that money is earned and taxed already those
> >complainants could avoid taxes all together if they would just say no to
> >investing.    In that case the only taxes they would pay would be the
> >as anyone else and less than the workers who are still paying income
> >tax.   They would only be consumers.    If you only have wealth but no
> >"Income" then you have only sales and property taxes.
> >
> >The same sort of deal that they have with the French where the Socialists
> >have maintained a lovely retreat for the super wealthy with a terrific
> >market in culture and fine things (compared to the US)  and a good
> >standard of living for the average Frenchman making them comfortable
> >around the super rich and not like the immigrant servants here who wash
> >their dirty linen.
> >
> >Its interesting how the propaganda here says that Socialism is the old
> >Communist tyranny that had to create the perfect human to exist while
> >France knows better and speaks of Liberty, Equality and the Fraternal
> >order of all French people.    Even the English run to the South of
> >once they get money.    Who wouldn't rather live there even though their
> >"Tongues hath become their enemies."
> >
> >  From the CIA Factbook:
> >The Socialist-led government.... remains committed to a capitalism in
> >which they maintain social equity by means of laws, tax policies, and
> >social spending that reduce income disparity and the impact of free
> >markets on public health and welfare.
> >
> >What other Socialist countries are there that succeed over what is
> >happening here as far as attracting the Super Wealthy?    Here in the US
> >no one wants to immigrate to Oklahoma or South Dakota and Wyoming has so
> >few people that they have more Senators than Congressmen.     Yes I
> >know,  but Houston is only for the "on the way" with the exception of the
> >fundamentalists wealthy who love rattlesnakes.    By and large the Super
> >wealthy here prefer the Northeast, Florida, and Palm Springs in
> >California.    None of these places, with the exception of Florida, are
> >bastions of classical or even neo Classical Liberal thought.
> >
> >
> >REH
> >
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:59 AM
> >Subject: RE: [Futurework] My second hypothesis
> >
> > > You know, when you look at it, oil is not a bad reason to wage war.
> > > all the industialized economies are addicted to oil and in so many
ways we
> > > have created oil dependent consumer needs as well (witness, SUVs).
> > > seems hypocritical for all the Pogos (we have seen the enemy and it is
> > > in the world to consume oil on the one hand and then complain about
> > invading
> > > another country in order to maintain the oil supplies.
> > >
> > > May be able to maintain an air of righteous indignation, but that
won't go
> > > far when oil prices spike and the economy tanks.  What might be
> > > people is that the move in Iraq, if oil really is the key, reveals
> > what
> > > our economies are all about.  And this is making people feel
> > >
> > > Faustian bargains and all that.
> > >
> > > arthur
> ******************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of LA
> Box 655
> Tujunga  CA  91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141
> Fax: (818) 353-2242
> *******************************


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