
Read about prohibition in the US.

Lots of exorbitant profit - the fruit of illegality.The drunk wards were fill. The gangsters killed and maimed and became multi-millionaires.

I don't think women prostituted themselves for drink - but maybe.

Thank heaven, Americans became sensible and legalized alcohol again. That forced the gangsters into other profitable avenues - such as drugs.

But, you obviously don't know much about the drug situation in the US. Perhaps you should read a little more .


Christoph wrote:

Harry Pollard wrote:
> Decriminalize all drugs. Allow them to be sold at any pharmacy.
> This would take the profit out of drugs.

Yeah right!  After all, there are no profits in tobacco and alcohol.
Legalization clearly takes the profit out of drugs!

IT PUTS THE PROFITS INTO DRUGS  by creating the vast mass markets
necessary for REAL profits.

But then, Harry and Keith have never been against markets, right.


Harry Pollard
Henry George School of LA
Box 655
Tujunga  CA  91042
Tel: (818) 352-4141
Fax: (818) 353-2242

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