Posted earlier by Brian:  Jan. 11, 2003. 08:20 AM
U.S. the world leader in bully-boy trading
New move to box in Central America So why not buy at The Bay, not Gap?
The Americans deserve a prize for chutzpah in trade relations with
ostensible allies.
And here, nicely playing into the weekend discussion involving a
neo-empirical America and how she is perceived by her trading partners and
others, is an insider's OpEd that lays out prescriptives that many like
David Olive, below, find infuriating.  Note this author served in two GOP
and 2 DEM administrations.  This is a bureaucratic policy paper OpEd while
Olive's is at heart political.
Or, as Ignatieff noted in his 'Burden' piece, learning the lessons of the
fall of the Roman and British empires and the titanic that was Vietnam
should have reminded America that Empire is no match for Nationalism.
Note to Canadian FWers:  I've not seen anything down here that acknowledges
the Canadian economy being more robust.  I did see, however, a headline on
either the Toronto or Ottawa sites asking if Canada had become the 51st US
state.  I would like to see Canada be more forceful as a hemispheric family
member.   Or maybe, if there is a regime change in Washington that might not
be necessary?  What do the economists think?  What do the Europeans think?
A Worldwide Economic Stimulus Plan
By Jeffrey E. Garten, NYT, 01.11.03 @
The Bush administration is leaving no doubt that it intends to use the
United States' enormous military power to make the world a safer place.  But
to succeed, Washington must develop a more robust global economic policy as
well.  Unless our military confrontations lead to something much better for
the millions of people who will be hurt, we will have won the wars and lost
the peace.

It's true that the administration is aggressively promoting trade
liberalization by pushing for new commercial deals with Latin America, as it
has recently done with Chile and is now doing in Central America.  It is
also pressing for more tariff and quota reductions around the world in an
omnibus negotiation that it hopes to conclude within two years under the
auspices of the World Trade Organization.  These efforts are an excellent
start.  But there are at least four broader challenges the United States
must now confront, and with an urgency that the Bush administration has yet
to demonstrate.

The first is reinvigorating global economic growth.  The world economy is in
trouble: corporate investment and trade are slowing, factories are producing
more than they can sell, and deflation is threatening many regions.  The two
potential economic engines besides the United States - Germany and Japan -
are stagnating.  Big emerging markets, from Indonesia to Brazil, are in deep

America's economy is the world's most powerful by far, accounting for almost
a third of global demand these days, but even if we grow at a healthy rate
this year, the United States by itself cannot create a sustainable
international economic recovery.  Our own revival depends on the health of
our companies, and that in turn depends in part on expanding foreign
markets.  Overseas sales of our goods and services made up at least 25
percent of our economic growth in the 1990's.  Moreover, because many of our
top companies - Intel, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, for example - rely on
Europe, Japan and developing countries for more than 30 percent of their
revenues, stronger foreign economies are important to the health of our
stock markets, the principal financing vehicle for corporate America's

Washington must bring together its economic partners - the Group of 7
nations made up of Canada and Japan and those in the European Union - to get
the global economy moving again.  The United States, which is already
running huge budget deficits and has lowered interest rates to levels not
seen in generations, has little room to maneuver.  But it can encourage the
European Central Bank, Europe's equivalent of the Federal Reserve, to lower
its relatively high interest rates, since inflation on the continent is not
nearly the threat that stagflation is.  The European Union must also let up
on its growth-constricting demands that Germany, Italy and France restrict
spending and, in some instances, raise taxes.  The United States and Europe
can push Japan to restructure its growth-strangling bank debts.

Second, there will soon be an acute need to rebuild countries that are
either defeated or disintegrating.  The estimates for reconstructing Iraq,
for example, range from $120 billion over 10 years, in the case of a very
short war, to $1.2 trillion after a prolonged conflict, according to
extensive work by the economist William Nordhaus.  This amount does not
include the costs of the administration's vision of spreading democratic and
free market institutions in the gulf region.

The job of economic relief and reconstruction will most likely need to be
handled by the United Nations, but substantial American financial support
will be essential.  Given budget deficits at home, this will be no easy
task.  Will this money come from domestic programs or from foreign aid
already promised to others?  At the least, the administration needs to work
with Congress to incorporate the requirements in planning - something which
Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., director of the Office of Management and Budget,
has been reluctant to do.

One problem is that there is no single agency in Washington capable of
overseeing the extensive United Nations efforts that must be mounted.  One
needs to be created, just as the Economic Cooperation Administration was
established in 1948 to oversee the Marshall Plan.  Like it or not, we are
entering a decade of political and military tension, and nation-building is
going to be a major part of America's response.

Third, we need to prepare for all-too-possible international economic
crises.  A major run-up in oil prices in reaction to turmoil in Venezuela
and Iraq has already begun and could send the global economy into a deep
recession.  The United States should be working with the European Union and
Japan to release emergency oil reserves if oil prices spiral out of control.
It should be encouraging Russia to expand production, too, by promising we
will buy Moscow's supplies well into the future.

Another crisis could involve the dollar, which was down 15 percent against
the euro in 2002.  If our trade deficit continues to soar and foreigners get
nervous, they could dump their dollars.  It would help if Washington could
persuade the European Central Bank to lower its interest rates - which it
should do anyway to stimulate economic growth on the continent - and make
the euro less attractive as an alternative to the dollar.  Beyond that,
Washington, Brussels and Tokyo will have to be prepared to coordinate
purchases of the dollar if it goes into free fall.

Latin America could also provide the spark for a global financial debacle.
After all, Argentina and Venezuela are in deep trouble, and Brazil's economy
is fragile at best.  In 1997, a currency collapse in Thailand set off a
global financial meltdown.  The lesson is that Washington and its economic
partners had better focus more on what's happening south of the Rio Grande.

Finally, the United States will have to give much more attention to helping
developing countries, the very nations in which so much of today's turmoil
exists, get a fairer deal from globalization, which has so far
disproportionally benefited rich countries.  This means not only negotiating
trade agreements but also improving the World Trade Organization's ability
to settle trade disputes and to give technical assistance to struggling
countries overwhelmed by the blizzard of new trade laws in the last decade.
It also means helping the World Bank and its regional counterparts deal with
poverty more effectively, rather than just criticizing their performance,
which is what Washington so often does.

Admittedly, the Bush administration has never shown much interest in
multilateral diplomacy except when other countries press it to the wall, as
they have with Iraq.  But in the economic realm, there is no choice but to
seek partners.

In the immediate aftermath of World War II, the United States pushed for the
establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and
coordinated the Marshall Plan with European nations.  Washington realized
then that economic stability and prosperity were essential to a country's
security.  It's true today, too.

Jeffrey E. Garten is dean of the Yale School of Management and author of
"The Politics of Fortune: A New Agenda for Business Leaders.''  He held
economic and foreign policy positions in the Nixon, Ford, Carter and Clinton
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