Economists have lots of blind spots.  Energy from the sun is one of them.
Air and water are others.  I do believe that they were known as "free goods"
in Economics 101.  I don't think they are nearly as free as economists have
liked to think.


Ed Weick
577 Melbourne Ave.
Ottawa, ON, K2A 1W7
Phone (613) 728 4630
Fax     (613)  728 9382

----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 12, 2003 3:32 PM
Subject: [Futurework] La Guardia's Rule

> David Smith, the Economics Editor of the Sunday Times has just published a
> book called "My Own Free Lunch" (Profile Books). It takes its name from
> famous rule, "There is no such thing as a free lunch", invented by the
> legendary New York mayor, Fiorella La Guardia but taken to heart by
> economists everywhere as being something equivalent to Newton's Laws of
> Motion or Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
> To celebrate the launch of the book, the publishers have agreed to pay for
> a free lunch (for two actually) for the person who can come up with the
> best exception to the rule.
> I've come up with the biggest exception to the rule -- and have once again
> taken the opportunity of criticising almost all the economists of the last
> century and a half since Ricardo -- in particular all those brilliant,
> though woefully misguided, people called neo-classical economists.
> <<<<<
> Dear David Smith,
> Ah!  Having read your articles every Sunday for several years (with much
> enjoyment and profit -- I got out of shares about four years ago partially
> due to something you wrote then), you have now given an opportunity to a
> publisher of early choral music to teach a thing or two to an economist!
> There is, in reality, one immense free lunch, which has been available for
> most of man's past, is not totally free at present, but will be free once
> again in the future.
> It is the most important feature of our survival and our economy. It is
> something without which our species could not have survived. Malthus came
> close to realising its importance, and Ricardo might have done so, but
> didn't quite because he became preoccupied with fertility of soil rather
> than sunshine. Marx then followed the Ricardian trail and, since then, has
> led all the economists (whether Marxist or non-Marxist) of the last
> and a half up a cul-de-sac from which only the odd one or two have peeked
> out in a mystified way with worry lines on their faces.
> One of the rare exceptions is Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen whom you will know
> as a pupil of Schumpeter and who took the energy basis of economics very
> seriously. ["The Entropy Law and the Economic Process", Harvard U.P.
> The economists' blind spot is energy. This is the free lunch. True, it
> isn't technically free at the present time because our main source of
> energy is only available in concentrated pockets and has been monopolised
> by naughty people. But energy is essentially free and has been absolutely
> free for most of man's existence. A very brief survey of mankind's past
> will suffice to show this:
> 1. Hunter-Gatherer times (from circa 100-150,000 ya): the only energy
> available (apart from a little from burning wood at campfires) was that of
> the food he gathered or hunted. This was freely available, and needed only
> a portion of the energy obtained from it in order to obtain more of it. In
> other words, man made a profit from the balance of energy was freely
> available. This enabled him to use muscular energy for his only industry
> (making tools and flint axe- and arrow-heads).
> 2. Agricultural times (from circa 10,000 ya): free solar radiation
> on most temperate and equatorial land surfaces with decent soil and
> rainfall could support selected plant life, supplying proteins, sugars and
> starches for personal energy, and wood for advanced metal smelting.
> (Malthus came close to understanding the essential role of energy because
> he was concerned with the necessary amount of energy [food] that a
> must have in order to survive and procreate. Ricardo brilliantly developed
> the concept of profit due to the landowner and the squeezing of profits to
> all subsidiary entrepreneurs and labourers but he was dominated by the
> variable fertility of different grades of land, and didn't give importance
> to the other necessary ingredient -- the receipt of solar energy.)
>  3. Industrial times (from circa 2,000 ya): use of free coal outcrops and
> oil seepages, followed circa 250 years ago by full-scale development of
> deep coal mines and then from 150 years ago by oil drilling. These
> concentrated sources are only legally "non-free" by being legally owned by
> a small number of individuals able to exercise monopoly power. (Marx
> followed Ricardo's Iron Law of Wages in assuming that profit being surplus
> energy, or increased energy productivity, it was was measured in money by
> the portion of the wages that the employer should have paid, but didn't.
> Just as Ricado overlooked the energy of the sun, Marx overlooked the
> immense amounts of energy [coal, steam power, water mills] being supplied
> increasingly efficiently to the factories.)
> 4. Hydrogen economy (circa 2030 onwards): when fossil fuels start to
> steeply expensive because of China's and India's demands and man is more
> concerned with pollution, and perhaps CO2 in the atmosphere, a totally
> non-polluting and massive new fuel technology will need to be created --
> far beyond anything in scope than nuclear power. This will be derived from
> free energy from the sun once again. The amount of solar energy received
> every year by the earth is at least 5,000 times the amount of energy in
> total fossil fuel reserves plus radioactive energy sources.
> Solar energy will, of course, have to be intermediated either by
> silicon-electronic cells or genomically (hydrogen produced from water by
> man-made bacteria. The hydrogen economy is now being researched by Craig
> Venter of Human Genome Project fame and now the head of the Institute for
> Biological Energy Alternatives, Maryland, and undoubtedly also by the
> Chinese who are already pulling ahead in some areas of research to do with
> the genome.
> The new hydrogen-based economy will supply energy at such low costs as to
> be considered free even at the point of use. Genomic methods will need
> little by way of high-tech equipment -- once the formidable genetic
> problems have been solved. (See a recent New Scientist article for further
> discussion about this.)
> The hydrogen economy will encourage local production of both useful
> electricity and of sophisticated goods. It will diversify the polarised
> structure of the present global economy and population densities. It will,
> however, require large amounts of land-use (wherever fresh water is
> available) and will compete with land used for agriculture at present. It
> is therefore desirable that world population should decline quite steeply
> from now about 2030 onwards. Thankfully, this is highly likely from
> present-day fertility trends in over 60 countries of the world.
> I look forward to a free lunch but I will give notice that if I were to be
> succcessful I would choose The Royal Crescent Hotel, Bath as the venue --
> being a place that is so expensive that I've never dared enter it
> previously. However, I will do so gladly on this occasion if I am rewarded
> with this Novel Prize for Economics.
> Yours sincerely,
> Keith Hudson
> >>>>>
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------
> Keith Hudson, General Editor, Handlo Music,
> 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
> Tel: +44 1225 312622;  Fax: +44 1225 447727; mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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