The company where I work had an all day
all hands meeting today, in which
we celebrated the company's 10th anniversary and
looked to the future.

THe Chief Technology Officer presented what we will
be doing in the next year.

Then he ended his presentation
with a little computer animation he did yesterday afternoon
because he felt
so bad about the outcome of yesterday's football game.

Projected on the big screen for all to see:
THere was a football field.  Each of our new products
lined up.  One new product did an end run.
Another went down field and caught a *long* pass from
the quarterback product.

Everybody was much motivated by this animation.

As I say: Professional football (etc.) have
replaced The Heavenly Host of The Roman Catholic
Church as our animating
mythos.  Some savages wear bird feathers, some
savages wear hi-tech "gear", some savages wear
business suits....  (OK, How do I know
the people who wear bird feathers *are* savages?
I have to confess I don't.)

The creator of this semiotic production,
as well as many of the persons in the audience hold doctorate
degrees, not just Bud Lites....

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

<![%THINK;[SGML+APL]]> Brad McCormick, Ed.D. / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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