21st Century Blues: The Environment, Not Terrorism, is Our Biggest

By KENNY AUSUBEL | AlterNet  01/14/2003

I've got the 21st Century Blues.

Amid rumors of war, threats of terrorist attacks using weapons of mass
destruction stalk our national security. But in fact, perhaps the
greatest security menace over the coming years is going to be the
deteriorating environment. Or so say CIA analysts.

They warn that the wars of the future - the near future - will be fought
over water, not oil. Water tables are sinking faster than the stock
market, and unlike oil, there's no substitute for water. They caution
against the global pandemic of AIDS and other deadly infectious
diseases. They see tidal waves of desperate environmental refugees on
the horizon. They anticipate widespread political destabilization and
cascading financial crises.

The skid marks of industrial civilization are everywhere to be seen.
Let's take the scenic route.

These are biblical times indeed, but it's no longer a miracle to walk on
the water of the Sea of Galilee. Its level has dropped to the lowest
ever recorded. Over in Mexico City, a plummeting aquifer is making the
famed National Cathedral "bend and droop like a reflection in a funhouse

Which might remind locals up in Alaska of their "drunken trees" sagging
into the once-upon-a-permafrost. Alaska got ahead of the global warming
curve. Roads are buckling. Rupturing sewage lines are spawning a return
to the old reliable outhouse. But even citizens grateful for those oil
royalties are speechless at the death of four million acres of spruce
forest, the biggest loss ever of trees to insects in North America.
Nobody much wants to talk about the thawing tundra beneath the 800-mile
Trans-Alaska pipeline either.

2001 was the second hottest year in 140 years of record-keeping, which
might help explain why they were mowing the grass in December at the NY
Botanical Garden, or those massive multi-billion-dollar floods raging
across Europe. Moaned one of Prague's 50,000 evacuees, "We were prepared
for a hundred-year flood, but this was a thousand-year flood." Then
again, those epic forest fires sure coulda used some of that rain in the
29 US states strangled by long-term drought.

Even Rip Van Bush's EPA woke up to smell the climate change. Yup, it's
for real and it's caused by fossil fuels. But hey, now that we've waited
so long, there's nothing to do about it. It's inevitable; get used to
it, and say adios to Rocky Mountain meadows and coral reefs. This is
about economic growth.

Of course the insurance industry isn't buying it. The global giant
Munich Re sets the price tag for global warming at $300 billion a year
down the pike.

But for now the climate suits West Nile virus just fine. In the blink of
an eye, it hitched a ride with mosquitoes up to the Northern Hemisphere
and clear across the country. So we sprayed the little suckers good.
Problem is, when researchers did an autopsy of dead birds in New York,
they found lots more birds dying from pesticides than the virus.

And now it turns out global warming is going to blow out the ozone hole
all over again, just when we thought we had it licked. Those UV rays are
already mutating nasty new viruses we've never seen before; they're
feeding on all that sewage and farm runoff in those algal blooms off the

But I dare you to prove the connection, because then there's also the 26
million pounds of antibiotics washing off those factory farms.

Let's not jump to conclusions. The first-ever government report on drugs
in the water says those antibiotics are competing for ecological shelf
space with prodigious amounts of hormones. Could be that $2.7 billion
estrogen-replacement industry too. But then there's all the other meds -
anti-cholesterol, antidepressants, chemotherapy, Viagra, and caffeine
(lots of caffeine) - that are showing up in 80 percent of US streams.

Maybe this pharmaceutical pollution has something to do with all those
intersex fish. Seems to be feminizing them, and I don't mean that in a
Robert Bly kind of way. Alligators with shrinking penises, sperm counts
dropping 50 percent, four in 10 men at risk from a new syndrome called
Testicular Dysgenesis.

Same deal in water taps from the bayou to Berlin. Pretty soon those
number-crunching drug companies will be inserting special charges in
your water bill.

Which doesn't sound all that outlandish if you're Percy Schmeiser, the
Canadian farmer who got busted by Monsanto for illegally growing its
genetically engineered canola without a license. The thing is - he
didn't plant it. Must've volunteered when some seed fell off a farmer's
truck, or pollen drifted over and contaminated his fields. Monsanto won
the first two rounds in court, so now it's suing farmers across the
Midwest and Canada after this toxic trespassing enlarged its failing

Which brings us to other hot potatos, the ones in the Moscow farmers'
markets where Geiger-counter-toting officials are confiscating
radioactive produce, being as Chernobyl's only 400 miles down the road.
Or the three Japanese nuclear plants that temporarily closed after the
companies admitted falsifying safety data about cracks in their aging
reactors. But folks just didn't believe the government when it said
there's no relationship between aging and accidents.

It's a terrible thing when trust in government breaks down. Just ask the
guards at US nuclear reactors. They know why half the country's nuke
plants have failed mock terrorist attacks. What do you expect with wages
the same as custodians? And those floodlights management installed -
heck, they shine on the guards instead of on the terrorists! But hey,
it's those whining workers again; I mean, where is Homer Simpson when
you really need him?

Homer's probably gorging himself on junk food, and calling in sick with
the 76 million Americans who get food poisoning every year from a food
supply more dangerous than it was 50 years ago. Or maybe he's at Weight
Watchers with the 60 percent of Americans who are overweight. All that
super-size fat and sugar has gotta be what's behind the diabetes
epidemic, too.

Unless the scientists are right who now say air pollution causes
diabetes. So we'll have to study that two-mile-thick, brown cloud
hovering over south Asia, which might help explain the half-million
people dying from respiratory problems in India every year. Or what
about that bubble-gum pink haze showering record amounts of pollutants
over Hong Kong? Not great for business either. It's hurting tourism and
making Honda shrink-wrap their cars so they don't all look that same
weird yellow color in the showroom.

It's enough to make a government delete all this anxiety-inducing data
off official web sites, and plug up the Freedom of Information Act. I
mean, what if it fell into the wrong hands! Could be dangerous. Italy's
Prime Minister, media magnate Sylvio Berlusconi, he's got the right
idea. His company just bought up all the country's TV stations. No news
is good news. He must've taken a pointer from Bush Lite who quipped:
"You can fool some of the people all of the time - those are the ones to
concentrate on."

It's got to send you lunging for the Prozac. Lots of Wall Street traders
did, even before that market bubble burst into a national depression.
Jim Cramer, the MSNBC pundit and former hedge fund manager, knows
first-hand why Wall Streeters never saw it coming. He said, "Prozac and
all those other drugs banish the 'This is the end of the world'
thoughts. Which means you are not as anxious as you should be about an
obvious down side."

Hey, things could be worse. At least he's not one of the 3 billion
people living on less than $2 a day. Let 'em eat placebos. Which are
proven to work just as well anyway.

But if Prozac doesn't make you feel more secure, try war. Let's take out
Iraq! More cheap oil for our national security. So what if improving
fuel efficiency by 2.7 miles a gallon would eliminate the need for Gulf
oil. Grab the sunscreen and relax. Relax environmental standards, that
is, and get with the program. National security. Economic growth. Banish
those "This is the end of the world thoughts."

Hmm. Drunken trees. Sinking cathedrals. Thousand-year floods. Intersex
fish. Dysgenesis.

Welcome to the 21st century blues.

I don't know about you, but I don't feel real secure. Neither do Gregory
Foster and Louise Wise from the National Defense University in
Washington DC. Here's what they concluded a few years ago.

"The environment is the most transnational of all transnational issues.
It respects neither national boundaries, nor traditional conceptions of
sovereignty and territorial integrity."

They say we must confront two questions of fundamental strategic import:
Whether humanity's role is to be nature's master, servant, or steward;
and whether nature's commons, in affecting us all, demands sustained
collective international attention and tending.

They envision the military becoming an environmental exemplar, turning
its attention to disaster relief, ecological restoration, and the
vigorous enforcement of environmental law.

They see the biggest factor in the environment's future as the
universalization of democracy. The environment demands global,
multilateral cooperation.

In other words, cleaning up the environment depends on cleaning up

The good news is that for the most part the solutions to our problems
are already present. Even where we don't know exactly what to do, we
have a pretty good idea what directions to head in. The models percolate
up from the deep wisdom of the natural world. Extraordinary human
creativity focused on problem solving is exploding the mythology of
despair. Over and over, it's the story of how an individual can make a

Biomimicry master Janine Benyus observes with elegant simplicity that
what life does is to create conditions conducive to life. That is
perhaps the essential mission of the Bioneers. The Bioneers have peered
deep into the heart of living systems to see what we can learn from four
billion years of evolution. What they are unearthing is a revolution
from the heart of nature, following in the footsteps of ancient
indigenous traditions. There is great hope in how little we know, and in
the little that we do know. The solutions residing in nature
consistently surpass our concept of what's even possible.

I propose to you that the tide is already turning. Global society has
begun reversing directions into an Age of Restoration. Though this
movement remains relatively small today, it's growing by leaps and
bounds. It's a matter of when, not if.

But we do not know how much time we have.

There was a paradigm shift this year that exploded the conventional
scientific thinking that ecosystems respond slowly and steadily to
degradation, that we will see the line coming before we cross it. A new
study concludes that humanity's assault on the environment has left many
ecosystems in such a fragile state that the slightest disturbance may
push them into catastrophic collapse, causing them to shift abruptly
with little or no warning. Despite appearing viable, there comes a
tipping point once their resilience has been sufficiently undermined.
Such changes can be irreversible.

We do not know how close we are to the tipping point. Precaution is the
byword, moving from managing harm to preventing it. The Precautionary
Principle being adopted around the world echoes grandma's time-tested
common sense: Better safe than sorry; an ounce of prevention is worth a
pound of cure; look before you leap. As Carolyn Raffensperger said last
year, maybe we should call it the Duh Principle.

"What were they thinking?" future generations will ask. A recent book
from Yale University Press called, "Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid"
suggests that stupidity is not the opposite of smartness. The opposite
of stupidity is wisdom, defined as the ability to apply knowledge to
achieve the common good. Duh.

The antidote to the 21st Century Blues is a Declaration of
Interdependence. We have a pretty good idea how to lighten our footfall,
by 90 percent or more. The enterprise of restoration promises an
unparalleled economic boom and global jobs creation, starting with a
Marshall Plan for clean energy.

Ecological medicine teaches us that human health security depends on
restoring the health of our ecosystems.

Societal security hinges on cultural diversity and mutual aid. The Gulf
war to resolve is the gulf between rich and poor.

And democracy is breaking out all over, and it's coming from the bottom
up. This is where we will find sustainable security.

It's time to repair our relationship with the living world and with each
other. We can take our place - not as masters, servants, or perhaps even
stewards - but as citizens in the democracy of all life. If we let our
hearts guide us, we won't go wrong.

Time is of the essence. The worst failure we could have is a failure of
the imagination.
Kenny Ausubel is the founder of the Bioneers Conference.

©Santa Fe New Mexican 2003

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