What can I say?  Wow.
So if the Bush administration ends federal funding for public health systems
to county health units, Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley could quickly
become the new got-sick-from-sex capital of California, not Frisco.
Really interesting, and good journalism to point out the differences between
legalization controls in Nevada vs unregulated California, not just bemoan
the local problem.  Alas, another bellwether state issue, it would seem.
Wonder how many who read this and followed the link to the LA Times website
tried to download the slideshow?  -  Karen
Selma wrote:  I thought this might be relevant to some of the discussion on
this list.
January 14, 2003 11:05 AM
Subject: Performers in Unregulated CA Porn Industry are infected with HIV
 By P.J. HuffstutterTimes Staff WriterJanuary 12
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