Every once in a while a word a day seems to be on target.  Keep this one in
mind when discussing Iraq.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wordsmith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 12:13 AM
Subject: A.Word.A.Day--scuttlebutt

scuttlebutt (SKUT-l-but) noun

   1. Rumor, gossip.

   2. A drinking fountain or a cask of drinking water on a ship.

[From scuttle (a small opening in the deck or hull of a ship) + butt (cask).
Also see furphy http://wordsmith.org/words/furphy.html ] 

  "Elliott Teaford, hockey columnist for the Los Angeles Times:
   Toronto, with four dailies, three all-sports TV channels and a
   24-hour all-sports radio station, is a veritable breeding ground
   for scuttlebutt."
   Chris Zelkovich, The Rumour Mill, The Toronto Star (Canada), Jan 27,

  "Broadcasters were the day's poorest-performing group after a rumor swept
   trading desks that Standard & Poor's planned to downgrade the debt of
   Comcast. An S&P spokeswoman declined to comment on the scuttlebutt,
   but investors acted like it could be a possibility and sold off the
   Karen Talley, Small-Stock Focus, The Wall Street Journal (New York),
   Jun 21, 2002.

This week's theme: words from the word game Derivation

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