According to a senior UN spokesman last night on BBC Newsnight, millions of
Iraqi people, particularly the old and the young, are in danger of dying
from starvation-related illness in the next few weeks unless the American
and British forces take on their full responsibilities as occupying powers.
The UN is now asking for US$2 billion from the developed nations -- the
largest donation ever sought. And this is only for starters.

This is not to say that American and British officers are carrying out mass
genocide on purpose, of course. It is because senior officers have not yet
prevailed upon their Commander-in-Chief that the whole invasion plan has
gone seriously awry, and that it had better be modified as soon as
possible. It was sheer incompetence on the part of Bush's team that they
assumed that the Iraqi nation would welcome the invasion forces with open
arms and that the occupation would be finished within a fortnight. Now that
this has clearly not happened and that, in effect, a full-blown Medieval
seige is taking place, then Bush should change the strategy immediately.

According to what is happening in Basra, the war seems to be ending in a
novel way. Water and food are now so short that thousands of Basrans who
live on the periphery are pouring out every day to beg from the surrounding
forces. Then they return to their homes. At the same time, the occupying
forces have not dared enter the city for fear of guerilla warfare. From the
interviews with American soldiers on TV last night, morale seems to be
collapsing already -- as it did among many troops in Northern Ireland. They
are, quite simply (and quite rightly), frightened of entering the cities.

I suspect that the occupying armies will be swamped by their humanitarian
responsibilities for feeding the civilian population and will not be able
to cope. Once again, I believe that the Americans will soon neglect the big
cities, leaving them to the charities and the UN, and will concentrate
their heavy armour around the oilfields of the Tigris valley.

Unless there's a total change of plan I cannot see how Blair can survive
for much longer. I don't know enough about the American political scene to
make an equally strong or specific forecast, but I really cannot see how
Bush and his team will be able to survive for long enough to fight the next
Election. The experiences of Northern Ireland and Vietnam are being
repeated, but instead of lasting decades and years respectively it is being
compressed into weeks or months this time.

Keith Hudson

Keith Hudson,6 Upper Camden Place, Bath BA1 5HX, England
Tel:01225 312622/444881; Fax:01225 447727; E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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