Hi Harry,
Keith scolded you for your blindness to Fisk's  An Outrage, An Obscenity
article that I forwarded. So I didn't bother. Fisk walked through that
market and saw the brains and limbs of humans. You sat in your armchair
and said his article was propaganda. I forwarded the Scott Ritter
article and you responded to me and the list by going back over your
concerns with something Devorah had shared with futurework. Ritter has
first hand experience as a weapons inspector. From your armchair what do
do think of his speech to Cornell students?

Take care,

> Brian,
> Is your definition of propaganda any view other than
> your armchair view?
> Now, the ad hominems are out of the way, maybe we can discuss
> something.
> An easy way to message a list is to send something written by someone
> else.
> So lists abound with the contributions of opinionated columnists,
> posted as
> if they were completely factual. Some of them are not at all bad, but
> the
> ones that mostly get posted often have a modicum of truth on which are
> hung
> opinions intended to rasp the emotions.
> These are rarely critiqued, but are accepted as evidence of something.
> One notes how that when our best poster, Karen, sends a column, she
> discusses it - provides a commentary that tells us why she deems it
> important.
> I called the posted piece by Devorah propaganda, because it was. Here
> are
> some excerpts:
> "The city of Baghdad, founded in 762 A.D. under the name Madinat
> as-Salam - 'City of Peace' - is this day a lake of fire."
> CBS news is reporting that great swaths of residential neighborhoods
> within
> Baghdad have been engulfed in flames.
> "In the great earthquake in San Francisco in 1906, people were not
> killed
> so much by the shaking. They were killed by the firestorm that
> sucked the air from their lungs and reduced them to ash before they
> could
> flee."
> "So it seems to be today in Baghdad."
> "Now, a great many of those people are dead, burned in their homes and
> on
> their streets."
> "Today, I sit in numbed horror as more carnage unfolds.  Hundreds of
> massive missiles have rained down on a city far away, killing
> indiscriminately among the young, the infirm, the old."
> The Red Cross reported 200 injured. The Iraqis reported 3 dead and 200
> injured.
> This, in spite of horrible quantities of explosives rained down on the
> city. Would this have injured 200 people were it not aimed
> specifically at
> militarily significant targets?
> Two hundred injuries from that "sea of fire"?
> Three dead from the "carnage" as "Hundreds of massive missiles have
> rained
> down  .  .  .  .  killing indiscriminately among the young, the
> infirm, the
> old".
> Propaganda!
> I suppose I first seriously came across this kind of propaganda in
> 1973
> when I wrote a paper on DDT showing that it was the safest, cheapest
> (important), and most effective pesticide ever. Thirty years later,
> this is
> being somewhat belatedly confirmed after the deaths of umpteen
> millions of
> unfortunates.
> We read Rachel Carson as she told us of the sadness of a world without
> robins in a DDT world. Well she was a good guy. But, she also lied.
> I'm not all that clever, but I can count. Or, at least, the Audubon
> Society
> can and they publish their Annual Bird Counts in their Field Notes
> which
> were read by Rachel.
> During the years of DDT, the robin count increased by 12 times.
> (Actually,
> most bird species counts were up.)
> I've heard people say that though it may be wrong, it was in a good
> cause.
> Yet, if a cause is good, surely it can win on the strength of its
> moral
> superiority. Does it need propaganda and lies to rally its followers
> around
> the flag?
> Let's get back to our armchairs.
> Harry
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Brian wrote:
> >More propaganda Harry?
> >
> >Brian McAndrews
> >ps Harry, is your definition of propaganda any view other than your
> >armchair view?
> >
> >
> >---------------------------------------------
> >Published on Friday, March 28, 2003 by the Cornell Daily Sun
> >Ritter Speaks on War in Iraq
> >by Jennifer Chen
> >
> >Last night, Scott Ritter, former United Nations (U.N.) chief weapons
> >inspector, spoke about the current war with Iraq to a packed audience
> in
> >the Statler Auditorium.
> >
> >
> >Scott Ritter, former United Nations chief weapons inspector, speaks
> last
> >night on the war. (Photo/Christine Papio)
> >
> >Ritter began his lecture by saying that "this is a tough time for us
> >all. A nation at war should never be taken lightly, regardless of the
> >justifications or lack thereof."
> >
> >Although he is opposed to the current war with Iraq, Ritter wanted to
> >make clear that he is not an antiwar activist. He believes that "war
> is
> >sometimes required if that which you believe is threatened." He felt
> >that if the United States as a nation, along with its constitutional
> >ideology, was legitimately under attack, then a war would be
> appropriate
> >and justified.
> >
> >Ritter placed specific emphasis on the need for a proper evaluation
> of
> >how the United States progressed to its state of current
> international
> >crisis and how to best proceed from there on. He stressed that no
> matter
> >what the U.S. does, it will not win this war.
> >
> >Having served twelve years as a U.N. marine intelligence officer and
> >having fought in the Gulf War, Ritter is well-versed in U.S. military
> >strategies. He used his past experience to assess the credibility of
> the
> >objectives put forth by the Bush Administration regarding the
> liberation
> >of the Iraqi people.
> >
> >"I know intimately the Iraqi terrain and the government. The policies
> >that were advocated by the Bush Administration define victory as the
> >liberation of Iraq, the creation of a democratic government in Iraq
> and
> >the transformation of the structure of Middle Eastern government. ...
> >But this strategy will not work," Ritter said.
> >
> >Ritter described the Bush Administration's current war plan as the
> >"effects-based strategy" that operates under four main assumptions:
> the
> >support of the Iraqi people for the U.S. liberation of their country,
> >the lack of defense from the Iraqi military, the fragility and the
> lack
> >of resistance capabilities of the Iraqi government and the support of
> >the international community.
> >
> >However, according to Ritter, "none of it worked. ... The CIA was
> >suckered."
> >
> >As U.S. troops are now finding out, the Iraqi people do not want to
> be
> >liberated, he said. Ritter stressed that, in addition to the
> backfiring
> >of previous assumptions, the strategy of a "shock and awe" approach
> that
> >attempted to create the illusion of a great U.S. military force has
> not
> >proved effective.
> >
> >"The Iraqi soldiers are not surrendering and are fighting back. Our
> >supply lines have suddenly been cut off. And now, we're not so
> >invincible as we seemed before. The effects-based strategy no longer
> >works, and now the war won't be short and fast like it was promised
> to
> >be when the President signed in approval of it," he said.
> >
> >Ritter believes that implications of this potentially drawn-out war
> >include a shift toward a more negative attitude in how other
> countries
> >will view the U.S. and its people in the years after the war. He says
> >that already, the Iraqi people will never rally behind U.S.
> intentions
> >because "they view us as invaders."
> >
> >Although he foreshadowed tactical victories, Ritter ardently stressed
> >that diplomatic, economic, political and military triumphs will not
> >result due to the U.S.'s violation of international law. He also said
> >that the United States has carried out its objectives void of
> legitimacy
> >and support from the U.N. Security Council.
> >
> >It has not only violated the U.N. Charter but also the U.S.
> >Constitution, he continued.
> >
> >"We are therefore asking our men and women to fight for something not
> >supported by the very Constitution that they have sworn to uphold,"
> he
> >said.
> >
> >Ritter did not fail to address the fact that the U.S. has managed to
> >gain support from other countries. However, he called the
> U.S.-labeled
> >"Coalition of Willing" as a "Coalition of Billing" in reference to
> the
> >bribery involved. Ritter believed that both Great Britain and Spain
> >pooled their support because they desired to maintain a special
> >relationship with the U.S. that will elevate their status and power
> >relative to their European counterparts.
> >
> >Additionally, the coalition is comprised of many Eastern European
> >nations, which according to Ritter joined because the U.S. threatened
> to
> >veto their application to NATO.
> >
> >Moreover, Ritter drew from his past experience and weapons inspection
> >knowledge to firmly declare that he believes Iraq does not possess
> >viable nuclear weapons.
> >
> >"In my experience in Iraq, we have never found any evidence. Given
> the
> >poor quality of the weapons and their viability span of about five
> >years, even if they were made in 1998, they would not be functional
> >now," Ritter said.
> >
> >Furthermore, he described how in order for biological warfare agents
> >such as anthrax to be effective, they must be in powdered form. Iraq,
> >however, only produced a liquid form of the chemical and did not
> perfect
> >a method to transform and stabilize it in another state, he said. In
> >addition, the V-X nerve agents and the artillery shells required for
> the
> >proper assemblage of militarily viable chemical weapons need
> production
> >facilities, which were not found by U.N. inspectors. He thus
> concluded
> >that "Iraq does not have chemical weapons" due to the nation's
> inability
> >to perfect stabilization techniques for their potential biological
> >warfare agents.
> >
> >The lecture ended with a standing ovation from the audience, and a
> >question-and-answer session followed. These questions included one
> that
> >sought advice from Ritter on how to strategically make individual
> >antiwar sentiments acknowledged by the government. Ritter replied
> with
> >an emphasis on the need for a strategic objective that does not
> protest
> >against but for a certain cause, namely peace. He also encouraged
> active
> >citizenship and exercising the individual right to vote.
> >
> >"It is too late for stopping the war, but we can change the
> government
> >that got us into this war," Ritter said. "It is a dereliction of duty
> >for us to not oppose this with all of our strength if this war is not
> >justified."
> >
> >Many felt that with American troops currently fighting overseas,
> >Ritter's speech and discussion of war-related issues was very
> relevant.
> >
> >"I thought he was amazing. He came at such an appropriate time. He
> >really addressed the ignorance of the American people and the bias in
> >the media portrayal of Iraq well," said Elizabeth Paddock '03.
> >
> >"He was really able to articulate the things that we felt but
> couldn't
> >express. His military background and experience make his arguments
> much
> >more convincing," added Rachel McMichael '03.
> >
> >
> >Copyright © 2003 by The Cornell Daily Sun, Inc.
> ******************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of LA
> Box 655
> Tujunga  CA  91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141
> Fax: (818) 353-2242
> *******************************
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