Of course it's agitprop.   With so little serious left wing or even middle
of the road agitprop out there this is at least a one voice balance to the
constant agitprop coming from the right in the Media.   "Let he who is
without sin cast the first stone."     Otherwise it's just tit for tat.
Harry, what is it that makes you think that fairness in media is represented
in the political programs on talk radio?   There is so little left wing
agitprop that I find your statement strange.    Might we  have to consider
that what you are saying is agitprop as well?    Even you should admit that
BuzzFlash is a cut above the Drudge Report and it is certainly as satisfying
to me in the middle as Rush is on the right.    I consider Limbaugh to be
embarrassing but not frightening.   Perhaps you feel the same way about
BuzzFlash.   You get rid of right wing radio and I will petition the
Internet to get rid of the two or three non Socialist left wing sites that
offend you.

As for Brian, I think you totally misread him.    He is very middle of the
road in the Canadian Broadcasting Company vein.    When I was up there last,
they were a great deal like William Bennet in reverse.    Since I think
Bennet is a hopeless middleclass mediocrity on the right, I found the CBC a
welcome antidote although containing its own version of provinciality.     I
didn't necessarily agree with them but I was starved for the other side.   I
still am and BuzzFlash is like a combination of their public affairs show
and an old political satire show that existed on TV prior to the dopey
sanitized Saturday Night Live show that replaced it.  close to the show that
I listened to in Canada that summer when I had such a delightful ride across
the country.

American Right Wing Media is anti-intellectual and concerned almost totally
with an impeccible form with a very mediocre content.   Yes I find BuzzFlash
to be a bit like that to,  but frankly the way you have defended right wing
radio, don't you suspect that you deserve it?    Those of us who have been
in the Media are responsible for much of what we have in the present.
Couldn't we show a little dignity and at least admit that this confusion of
reality with art that we are getting from the war these days makes it
possible to accept bombing great cultural monuments and destroying people's
cultural heritage as long as it isn't OUR monuments and heritage.     I
didn't and don't approve of death as entertainment.   I don't see any
difference between the Fox Channels cheers as people die and the murder of
alien nations in the Colisiem.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Harry Pollard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2003 6:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] FWD: The Battle for Democracy in Our Homeland,
Part V

> Brian,
> I would say 'there you go again' but it's been used.
> It once was "dichotomy", then "paradigm" and a bunch of other
> "grammatically correct" words. Podvin used "faux". Is that the latest faux
> BUZZFLASH is a propaganda outlet.
> That you agree with the propaganda is beside the point. I wouldn't expect
> you to post any propaganda you don't support.
> Below is a part-listing of editorials. yet BUZZFLASH has the impudence to
> ask for money with "Help Independent Media Stay Independent."
> Just below is a taste of its independence.
> Harry
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> >Part I: The "Infallibility" of America's God King
> >
> >Part II: The Democratic Leadership Doesn't Even Have a Clue
> >
> >Part III: These Men Died in Vietnam While George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
> >Avoided Combat Like Cowards
> >
> >Part IV: John Kerry, Don't Apologize For Telling The Truth: The Future
> >Of Democracy Depends Upon Exposing The Chronic Lies And Deceptions Of
> >The Bush Cartel
> >
> >We are in a Nation Ruled by Madmen Who Will Bury the U.N.
> >
> >The U.N. "Win-Win" for the Bush Cartel: Security Council Supports Iraq
> >War Or U.N. Disbands
> >George W. Bush Can't Tell the Difference Between a Democracy And a Puppet
> >Government
> >
> >In Just Two Weeks, Rumsfeld Insults, Disparages and Demeans Veterans,
> >the French, the Germans and the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Ship of Fools
> >is Running Our Ship of State
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Brian wrote:
> >Ray has often mentioned these tactics being used against Clinton.
> >
> >Brian McAndrews
> >
> >-----------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> >BUZZFLASH REPORT Saturday April 5, 2003 at 1:17:16 PM
> >
> >
> >Winning the Hearts and Minds of Americans: The Battle for Democracy in
> >Our Homeland, Part V
> >April 6, 2003
> >
> >Fifth in a Series of BuzzFlash Editorials
> >
> >OPTION 3c
> >
> >By Guest Editorial Writer David Podvin
> >
> >One of life's more depressing rituals is the Retreat of the Dissenting
> >Democrats. This frequently recurring disgrace features a liberal voicing
> >a valid criticism of George W. Bush, followed by the frenzied wailing of
> >right-wing banshees, after which the dissident just kind of dissolves
> >into nothingness.
> >
> >It is a truly nauseating scene that has been endlessly repeated in
> >recent years by ­ among others - Dick Gephardt, Hillary Clinton, and
> >serial dissolver Tom Daschle. They each have criticized Bush, apparently
> >oblivious to the fact that their candor would subject them to being
> >brutally attacked by America's reactionary political/journalistic
> >complex. Rather than defending themselves (and our principles) against
> >the conservative onslaught, these chastened victims have meekly skulked
> >away, more submissive than ever and none the wiser.
> >
> >Modern liberal leaders are not warriors at heart, but they must either
> >develop a battle plan or continue to be marginalized. The first
> >challenge is to master the sequencing of this familiar scenario:
> >
> >
> >
> >1) As a prominent liberal of conscience, you feel compelled to criticize
> >Bush because he has ruined the economy, declared war on the world, and
> >lied with superhuman frequency.
> >
> >2) Literally within minutes, you are the target of a well-coordinated
> >sliming by this nation's elite Republican Guard. The public is
> >promptly alerted to the fact that you are an unpatriotic congenital liar
> >whose demented hatred for America imperils us all.
> >
> >3) It is the third phase of this dance of the macabre where things go
> >horribly wrong. After voicing disagreement with Bush, you are now being
> >eviscerated by your werewolf enemies on the right while being abandoned
> >by your gerbil allies on the left. What will you do? What WILL you do?
> >
> >a) Apologize profusely, and promise never to think unpleasant thoughts
> >about Dubya again (this is the most popular choice).
> >
> >b) Know your role and shut your mouth, thereby earning accolades from
> >Tom DeLay for your obedience (this is also a frequent selection).
> >
> >c) Embrace the tradition of Harry S. Truman, Dr. Martin Luther King,
> >Jr., and Robert F. Kennedy by revisiting the glorious days of yesteryear
> >when liberals were tough and strong. Stand your ground with a spirited
> >defense of your position. Launch a factual counterattack against those
> >who seek to browbeat you into silence. Serve as an inspiration for less
> >intrepid souls who agree with you but fear being shouted down.
> >
> >Option 3c is also known as "fighting back", a tactic which is
> >employed by people who sincerely believe in the principles that they
> >espouse.
> >
> >
> >If liberals ever decide to defend themselves, they will be blessed with
> >an unlimited supply of ammunition. The conservative movement is chock
> >full of pseudo-moralizing faux patriots who believe that the Ten
> >Commandments were meant only for others to keep and who enthusiastically
> >support wars in which they are personally unwilling to fight. They
> >prosper because hypocrisy and contempt for the truth become liabilities
> >only when aggressively challenged; regrettably, the challenges have been
> >few and far between.
> >
> >Conservatism is an intellectually and morally bankrupt elitist movement
> >that exists to enrich the few by manipulating the fears of the many.
> >Right-wingers are repressive and belligerent, but ­ like all bullies -
> >they are dependent on no one calling their bluff. When forcefully
> >confronted, conservatism collapses under the weight of its own
> >decadence.
> >
> >Think of Joseph McCarthy.
> >
> >Think of Richard Nixon.
> >
> >These reprobates have blazed the trail to oblivion for the trespasser in
> >the White House. Bush shares their conservative traits - their obsession
> >with secrecy, their demand for conformity, and their paranoia that
> >disagreement is treason. If McCarthy and Nixon had gone unchallenged,
> >they would never have been exposed as the un-American tyrants that they
> >were. It is only because they were ultimately confronted that our nation
> >has retained the right to dissent.
> >
> >Once again, that right is being assaulted. And once again, it is the
> >moral obligation of people who love this country to fight back. It is
> >our patriotic duty not just to condemn Bush, but to condemn him
> >constantly. We must refuse to be intimidated by those who ­ like the
> >bleating sheep in George Orwell's Animal Farm ­ seek to drown out
> >all dissent with meaningless noise.
> >
> >George W. Bush has a philosophy that cannot be defended and he has
> >policies that cannot work; once he has opponents who cannot be bullied,
> >then he will be political road kill, and the United States of America
> >will be better for it.
> >
> >
> >Also see:
> >
> >Part I: The "Infallibility" of America's God King
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/03/31.html
> >
> >Part II: The Democratic Leadership Doesn't Even Have a Clue
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/04/01.html
> >
> >Part III: These Men Died in Vietnam While George W. Bush and Dick Cheney
> >Avoided Combat Like Cowards
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/04/02.html
> >
> >Part IV: John Kerry, Don't Apologize For Telling The Truth: The Future
> >Of Democracy Depends Upon Exposing The Chronic Lies And Deceptions Of
> >The Bush Cartel
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/04/04.html
> >
> >The Perfect War
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/03/27.html
> >
> >We are in a Nation Ruled by Madmen Who Will Bury the U.N.
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/03/21.html
> >
> >Endgame
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/03/17.html
> >
> >The U.N. "Win-Win" for the Bush Cartel: Security Council Supports Iraq
> >War Or U.N. Disbands
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/03/04.html
> >
> >George W. Bush Can't Tell the Difference Between a Democracy And a
> >Puppet Government
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/03/03.html
> >
> >There Tom Daschle Goes Again
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/02/06.html
> >
> >In Just Two Weeks, Rumsfeld Insults, Disparages and Demeans Veterans,
> >the French, the Germans and the Joint Chiefs of Staff: The Ship of Fools
> >is Running Our Ship of State
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/01/27.html
> >
> >Welcome to the Muscle Beach Party
> >http://www.buzzflash.com/editorial/03/01/23.html
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >--------
> >
> >SUPPORT BUZZFLASH! Help Independent Media Stay Independent. CLICK HERE
> >HELP!
> ******************************
> Harry Pollard
> Henry George School of LA
> Box 655
> Tujunga  CA  91042
> Tel: (818) 352-4141
> Fax: (818) 353-2242
> *******************************


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