So far, Bush has been able to avoid all social occasions at St Petersburg and Evian, so my theory still stands (that he is incapable of social conversation outside his close circle of business friends and handlers). On the one big social occasion when all the world's leaders (except Bush) met for cocktails, dinner and a night out at the opera in St Petersburg, Bush was elsewhere (Poland). The next day he had a private hour with Putin and then a sightseeing tour of St Petersburg. The next day he had another hour with Putin and a press conference (where he said that the two mobile fueling vehicles covered in canvas found in Iraq were biological weapons of mass destruction!!). The next day, at Evian, he shook hands with Chirac, took a photo with the other leaders (but was seen chatting only with Blair). He's supposed to have had a private hour with Chirac (though I doubt it). And now he's off elsewhere.

The man is dim. Incapable of having a normal conversation with other political leaders (except Blair -- whose political career is probably just about ending). He's just a puppet in the hands of his dad's pals. Good on television though. When will America wake up that what they call a democracy is a travesty?

Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England

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