Yet another look at BushCo management, and capitalism's
licence to enforce future debt towards today's greed.
''Millionaires' welfare''
                         Printed on Tuesday, July 01, 2003 @ 22:19:46 CDT   (  )
                         By A.F. Nariman
                Columnist (United
                         ( – Let us heed the
                         word of one of our most erudite founding fathers, Thomas
                         Jefferson: "I place economy among the first and most
                         important of republic virtues, and public debt as the greatest
                         of the dangers to be feared."
                         I believe that the Republican Party makes a good case in
                         suggesting that since the rich pay more in income taxes, they
                         should therefore get back more in income tax cuts. I think it is
                         important for the Democratic Party to accede to this statement
                         of fact. And, if these tax cuts were indeed from "income tax
                         surpluses," then I guess I could keep this note short and
                         sweet and end here.
                         But, alas, the argument of conservatives makes no sense in
                         the context of the recently passed $350 billion tax cut
                         (actually, it is closer to $840 billion minus the "sunset"
                         gimmicks), which was not taken out of income tax surpluses
                         since there are none, nor for that matter from regressive FICA
                         tax surpluses (borrowed to the hilt to pay for George W.
                         Bush's $1.6 trillion tax cut in 2001). Instead, the President's
                         third tax cut in two years comes by borrowing from the public
                         by raising the debt ceiling and increasing the national debt by
                         close to $1 trillion.
                         In fact, there is no good reason why these federal giveaways
                         should be based on one's income tax rate. The argument could
                         be made that if Tiger Woods were President, he might opt for
                         the federal giveaway being based on one's golf scores;
                         Michael Jordan could equally opt for the federal giveaways
                         being based on one's basketball scores while the Williams
                         sisters would opt for basing the federal giveaways on one's
                         tennis scores. All these would make about as much sense as
                         giving these federal dollars away based on one's income tax
                         rates. These rather ridiculous and far out points are made to
                         stress the arbitrary and capricious nature of this federal
                         giveaway from our public dole.
                         The very same people who are outraged by a distribution of
                         income from the wealthy to the poor appear to have no
                         qualms, and voice not a peep of objection to a distribution of
                         funds from the working class to the nouveau riche. Is it any
                         wonder that Bush is ready to break all fundraising records by
                         raising $200 million in the 2004 election cycle? The same
                         media, which raised such a hullabaloo and fuss about the
                         purported "quid quo pro" on the Marc Rich pardon, has raised
                         nary a peep on the obvious quid quo pro with the tax cuts.
                         Heck, if one got $94,000 in tax cuts from the Republicans,
                         wouldn't one gladly toss a check for $2,000 to the GOP? The
                         pay back of $94,000 on a $2,000 investment is equivalent to a
                         return on one's investment of 4,600%. This beats the stock
                         market hands down! In fact, one would be hard pressed to
                         find another such sure bet, risk-free, investment vehicle in the
                         world. The only caveat is that one has to belong to an
                         exclusive club. You need to make over $1 million in income to
                         get the payback. Not even in the gadfly days of the 1880s or
                         the 1920s preceding the Great Depression could one group of
                         people so corruptly become millionaires on the backs of the
                         working class.
                         Hence, under these conditions, there is no logical reason,
                         though obviously there is an ideological one, for giving
                         "progressive income tax cuts" taken out of an increase in our
                         national debt, since the latter falls equally on the child of a
                         janitor and a millionaire!
                         Recently, Bush made a statement that 92 million Americans
                         were going to get an “average” tax cut of $1,083.00. This is
                         nothing less than political hubris and economic chicanery.
                         Statistics don’t lie, but liars use statistics to further their own
                         ends. What Bush doesn’t spell out is that approximately 40
                         million low income Americans will get no tax cut; people making
                         less than an income of $77,000 will get an “average” of a
                         $226 refund; while those making over $1 million will get a tax
                         cut averaging $94,000. (These figures vary from source to
                         source and are based on assumptions made in the
                         calculations.) Bush knows full well that only a few people will
                         catch him telling these whoppers. He operates secure in the
                         knowledge that in order to get reelected, he needs to only fool
                         some of the people all of the time, and most of the people
                         some of the time.
                         In the past weeks, Bush has oft been heard stating, "We
                         should return the people’s money to the people" in selling his
                         tax cuts. What Bush assiduously avoids saying is that every
                         family will also bear the additional burden of his failed
                         economic policies. If Bush were ever to tell the whole truth,
                         Americans would know that he is also sticking our children and
                         grandchildren with a huge national debt of $44 trillion (based
                         on a recently released report ordered by ex-Treasury
                         Secretary Paul O’Neill). This translates to a debt of $157,142
                         (almost doubling from $89,000 in the last report) per man,
                         woman and child. Also, curiously, while the tax cut is
                         progressive, the debt burden is flat. The millionaire’s child will
                         owe the same $157,142 in debt that the schoolteacher, the
                         car salesman, and janitor’s child does.
                         Reagan raised the workingman’s FICA taxes and then used
                         the unified budget to cut taxes for the wealthy, and George W.
                         Bush, who should more correctly be given the moniker Ronnie
                         II, is up to the same shenanigans of putting his millionaire
                         friends on the public dole.
                         What does it say of our leadership that they are so keen to
                         win or keep their current high office, no matter the ultimate
                         cost to our nation, which is on the verge of economic collapse
                         by 2012? If our government is allowed to fool us into ruination
                         for their own short-term selfish interests, our great nation will
                         follow in the footsteps of the Greek, Roman and British
                         [A.F. Nariman has been interested in United States and world
                         politics for close to twenty-six years. She has been a C-span
                         junkie for the past decade or more. She has a yen for sleuthing
                         out the intricacies of a political story. Her forte' is in the U.S.
                         budget, as she is a Financial Advisor by profession and has a
                         bachelor of science degree in mathematics and a MBA in Financial
                         Institutions and Markets. Along with being a recent Democratic
                         candidate for Congress in the 26th district of New York, she is a
                         U.S. citizen and resides in New York State. Please visit
                         A.F. Nariman encourages your comments:
                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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