Better find a third way.   But we don't seem to be able to imagine one here
so why should we expect politicians to?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Hudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 10, 2003 6:59 AM
Subject: [Futurework] Between a rock and a hard place

> Interesting article in today's Sunday Times -- no doubt syndicated
> elsewhere over your side of the water. Implicitly, Stelzer presents a
> dilemma to American voters. If they re-elect Bush, they can expect more of
> the same gathering deflation and increasing unemployment and if they elect
> a Democrat they can expect tariffs in order to protect trade unions jobs,
> with a consequence of higher consumer prices all round, less money
> available for investment and thus even more unemployment in due course.
> KH
> <<<<
> Irwin Stelzer
> Free trade and free elections do not always coexist peacefully. In an
> economy in which workers find jobs hard to come by, employers find their
> pricing power sapped by foreign competition. The 2004 election campaign is
> now on fast forward and free trade is likely to find itself among the
> wounded.
> When the gaggle of Democratic candidates appeared before the AFL-CIO
> trade-union conference last week, vying for the dollars and foot soldiers
> so important in the primary campaign, most promised to veto any new
> free-trade agreements. In a display of protectionism red in tooth and
> the steelworkers' union declared that President George Bush's 30 tariff on
> imported steel did not satisfy its appetite for protection. It denounced
> Bush and promised to back any Democrat who is more protectionist.
> Meanwhile, the president's economic team was touring the nation's
> hinterland to announce that the economy is a coiled spring, about to
> unleash a full-blown recovery on the nation. Treasury secretary John Snow,
> commerce secretary Don Evans and labour secretary Elaine Chao picked their
> venues carefully, holding their meet-the-citizen sessions in the plants of
> some of America's most successful companies, such as Harley-Davidson, the
> motorcycle maker.
> Imagine their surprise when most of the questions were about the flight of
> jobs to China. When the Bush administration persuaded China to make the
> reforms necessary to secure membership of the World Trade Organisation
> (WTO) and enter the global trading system, it was thinking of the vast
> potential market for American goods. Now that the annual trade deficit
> China is running at $100 billion (£62 billion), almost twice as high as
> deficit with Japan, Republicans and Democrats are vying to persuade voters
> that they are the ones who will be the hard men in tackling this latest
> "yellow peril".
> The dirty little secret is that many of America's biggest companies, among
> them  General Motors, have invested heavily in China, are prospering
> mightily there, and prefer the status quo to the re-evaluation that is
> on the agenda of smaller textile, toy and clothing companies. But the
> corporate giants are keeping a low profile so as not to be pilloried for
> defending a system that most Americans think is costing us jobs, and
> experts know is resulting in widespread theft of intellectual property.
> It is certainly true that China is subsidising its exports by keeping
> state-owned factories in business and, more important, by pegging its
> currency, the renminbi, to the dollar. So when the dollar fell, making
> imports from most countries more expensive in the United States, and
> exports of made-in-America goods and services cheaper, China was
> unaffected: its currency moved downward with the dollar.
> Experts estimate that if the Chinese authorities ended the dollar peg, the
> renminbi would appreciate by anywhere from 10 to 40. But more than a minor
> revaluation is unlikely: the Chinese leadership believes it cannot survive
> the collapse in employment that would follow a big fall in exports.
> The problem for the administration is that trade with China is not an
> that can be treated in isolation. For one thing, China is the only country
> with the power to bring North Korea to the table to negotiate the
> of its nuclear ambitions. Bush has to consider whether it would be
> to forfeit Chinese goodwill in a matter of such overwhelming importance to
> protect American producers of textiles and toys from Chinese competition.
> Second,  the  administration knows that it must produce a growing economy
> by the first quarter of next year if it is to be assured victory in the
> November 2004 elections. One thing that can derail the recovery now under
> way is a further and rapid rise in interest rates. Here, China has an
> important role to play.
> The $120 billion it has piled up by selling more to America than it buys
> from us is being used to buy Treasury notes and bonds. They send us goods,
> we send them dollars, they return the dollars, in exchange for which we
> send them our Treasury's   lOUs. That keeps the price of American debt
> securities up and, on the flip side, interest rates down.
> If the Chinese authorities get cranky and stop buying Treasury notes, or,
> worse still, start dumping them, soaring interest rates could wreck the
> market for new homes, end the refinancing of mortgages that has put
> billions into consumers' hands, discourage new business investment, and
> produce the voter nervousness that gave the elder Bush a White House lease
> with all too short a date.
> But even if Bush concentrates on the trade statistics alone, he will have
> some difficulty in deciding what to do. Much of what America imports from
> China is produced in plants owned by US companies. And some of the
> shipped from China, and counted in the statistics, are partly manufactured
> in other Asian countries, and merely finished in China and shipped from
> In this as in other matters involving trade, the few who are hurt by
> imports organise to make their voices heard in Washington, while the
> millions of consumers who benefit from cheaper trainers, T-shirts, cars
> other products -- 10 of the trade deficit is accounted for by the $10
> billion worth of Chinese goods bought by Wal-Mart -- don't recognise the
> relationship between free trade and their ability to get more bang for
> their bucks.
> If the president is not to deviate further from his free-trade philosophy,
> he will have to hold off the few, who will be angry, in the interests of
> the many, who will neither know nor appreciate his efforts on their
> That is a lot to ask of a politician.
> Irwin Stelzer is a business adviser and director of economic policy
> at the Hudson Institute
> Sunday Times 10 August 2003
>  >>>>>
> Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England
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