Arthur,  Sally,

Did the riots kill futurework?    Or are you all on vacation in the
mountains?   Does Toronto still exist?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Straker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 2:04 AM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] In the spirit of Harry Pollard]]

> I think this didn't make it through the blackout, so I am
> re-sending. - SS
> REH:
> >> Here's an article from today's NYTimes from MIT
> >> that basically says what Harry has been saying
> >> about Nuclear power's potential to cure the energy
> >> crisis for a time.
> arthur:
> > Reducing demand at source should be our first option.
> > Technological fixes always seem easy at the outset
> > but the unanticipated costs soon mount.
> Amory Lovins - who has always made a great deal of sense to
> me - says that Arthur is right and that Harry needs to go
> back to the drawing board, as follows ...
> Stephen Straker
> Vancouver, BC
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>      "The Nuclear Option Revisited," The Los Angeles
>      Times (8 July 2001)
>      Amory B. and L. Hunter Lovins
>      available at:
>      Too expensive and unacceptably risky, nuclear
>      power was declared dead long ago.  So why would we
>      resurrect it?
>      Snowmass, Colo. - Buoyed by a supportive White
>      House, growing climate concerns, temporarily high
>      gas prices, and California's electricity mess, the
>      nuclear industry is running an all-out
>      public-relations campaign to resuscitate its
>      product.  This attempt ignores one crucial fact:
>      Nuclear power already died of an incurable attack
>      of market forces.  Once touted as "too cheap to
>      meter," nuclear power, as The Economist recently
>      concluded, now looks "too costly to matter."
>      Overwhelmed by huge construction and repair costs
>      around the world, nuclear plants ended up
>      achieving less than 10% of the capacity and 1% of
>      the new orders (all from countries with centrally
>      planned energy systems)forecast a quarter-century
>      ago.  The industry has suffered the greatest
>      collapse of any enterprise in industrial history.
>      Beyond the hard economic facts, about which more
>      later, the nuclear industry is dismissing
>      legitimate public concerns about the risks of a
>      technology so unforgiving that, as Nobel physicist
>      Hannes Alfven wrote, "No acts of God can be
>      permitted."  Each nuclear plant, through accident
>      or malice, could release enough radioactivity to
>      hazard a continent.  This is presented by the
>      industry as extremely unlikely, but many citizens
>      aren't reassured.  They have seen too many highly
>      improbable events, including terrorism.  And if
>      nuclear power plants are so safe, why would the
>      industry build and run them only if the federal
>      government passed a law limiting
>      operators'liability in major accidents?  Why
>      should the nuclear industry enjoy a liability cap
>      that reduces its incentive for safety, distorts
>      choices with a vast subsidy and is unavailable to
>      any other industry?  Why can't nuclear operators
>      self-insure and put their money where their mouths
>      are, or buy insurance at market prices like
>      everyone else?  The liability law's expiration in
>      2002 presents an awkward dilemma for advocates of
>      both nuclear power and free markets.
>      Scientists still haven't developed reliable ways
>      to handle nuclear wastes and decommissioned plants
>      (which remain dangerously radioactive for far
>      longer than societies last or geological foresight
>      extends).  And experts feel nuclear power's
>      gravest risk is that power plants can provide
>      ingredients and innocent-seeming civilian cover
>      for the development of nuclear bombs, as was the
>      case in India and elsewhere.  Now the White House
>      proposes to revive nuclear-fuel reprocessing after
>      decades of proof that it's unprofitable,
>      unnecessary, a complication to nuclear waste
>      management and a source of vast amounts of bomb
>      material.
>      Market economics provides an even more basic
>      argument: "If a thing is not worth doing," said
>      economist John Maynard Keynes, "it is not worth
>      doing well."  Leaving aside bomb-proliferation,
>      waste, sabotage and uninsurable accidents, nuclear
>      power is simply uncompetitive and unnecessary.
>      After a trillion-dollar taxpayer investment, it
>      delivers little more energy in the U.S. than
>      wood.  Globally, it produces severalfold less
>      energy than renewable sources.  The market prefers
>      other options.  In the 1990s, global nuclear
>      capacity rose by 1% a year, compared with 17% for
>      solar cells (24%last year) and 24% for wind power
>      - which has lately added about 5,000 megawatts a
>      year worldwide, as compared with the 3,100 new
>      megawatts nuclear power averaged annually in the
>      1990s.  The decentralized generators California
>      added in the 1990s have more capacity than its two
>      giant nuclear plants - whose debts triggered the
>      restructuring that created the state's current
>      utility mess.
>      Enthusiasts claim new-style reactors might deliver
>      a kilowatt-hour to your meter for 5 cents,
>      compared with 10 to 15 cents for post-1980 nuclear
>      plants worldwide.  (Of that 10 to 15 cents, nearly
>      3 cents pays for delivery, about 2 cents for
>      running the plant, and the rest for its
>      construction and for occasional major repairs.)
>      But on the same accounting basis, superefficient
>      gas plants or wind farms cost only 5 to 6 cents
>      per kilowatt-hour, cogeneration of heat and power
>      often 1 to 5 cents, and efficient lights, motors
>      and other electricity-saving devices under 2
>      cents, often under 1 cent.  Cogeneration and
>      efficiency are especially cheap because they occur
>      at the site where the energy is consumed and thus
>      require no delivery.
>      All these non-nuclear options continue to get
>      cheaper, as do fuel cells and solar cells.  Today,
>      a pound of silicon can produce more electricity
>      than a pound of nuclear fuel.  Already,
>      Sacramento's municipal utility, which has
>      successfully replaced power from its ailing
>      nuclear plant (shut down by voters) with a
>      portfolio emphasizing efficiency and renewables,
>      has brought the heretofore costliest option, solar
>      cells, down to costs competitive with a new
>      nuclear plant.
>      The PR spinners trumpet that nuclear power costs
>      less than power from gas plants.  This is true if
>      you are looking only at the running cost of an
>      average existing nuclear plant , compared with the
>      running costs of an old, inefficient gas-fired
>      plant.  It does not include delivery to customers,
>      nor the prohibitive construction costs of a new
>      nuclear plant.  Notice, too, the ads don't compare
>      the costs of a new nuclear plant with the new,
>      doubled-efficiency gas plants that are beating the
>      pants off nuclear and coal worldwide.  Under such
>      realistic cost comparisons, nuclear power plummets
>      to its actual status as the worst buy available.
>      You didn't understand that from those slick ads?
>      You weren't supposed to.  The nuclear industry has
>      a well-earned reputation for breezy mendacity.
>      Lost in the debate over what kind of new plant to
>      build is the best option of all: more efficient
>      use of the electricity we already have.  We've
>      been reducing electricity use per dollar of gross
>      domestic product by 1.6% a year nationwide, and in
>      California between 1997 and 2000, by 4.4% a year.
>      California has held its per-capita electricity use
>      essentially flat since the mid-1970s, yet far more
>      savings remain untapped - enough nationally to
>      save four times nuclear power's output, at
>      one-sixth its operating cost.  Our personal
>      household electric bill, for example, is $5 a
>      month for a 4,000-square-foot house in the Rocky
>      Mountains.  Passive solar design and
>      super-efficient appliances and lighting yielded a
>      90% savings on electricity and 99% on fuel.  The
>      improvements, made in 1983, paid for themselves in
>      10 months.  Today's technologies are far better.
>      An estimated three-fourths of U.S. electricity
>      could now be saved through efficiency techniques
>      that cost less than generating that power, even in
>      existing plants.
>      Nor, finally, do shortages of electricity in
>      California justify more nuclear plants anywhere.
>      California did not have soaring electricity demand
>      during the 1990s, did not stop building power
>      plants and is probably not even short of
>      generating capacity.  The system that had rolling
>      blackouts at a 28-gigawatt load last winter is the
>      same one that comfortably delivered 53 gigawatts
>      two summers ago.  Half its power plants didn't
>      suddenly evaporate.  Rather, there's apparently
>      been adequate generating capacity - if power
>      plants ran as reliably as they did before
>      utilities sold them.  But in fact, since utility
>      maintenance contracts expired last fall, many of
>      the sold plants have been calling in sick - often,
>      some evidence suggests, because their new owners
>      earn far more profit by selling less electricity
>      at a higher price rather than more at a lower
>      price.
>      If California does have a serious supply-demand
>      imbalance, it should be resolved in the cheapest,
>      fastest, surest and safest ways.  Buying more
>      nuclear plants violates all these criteria.  It
>      would buy less solution per dollar, making the
>      problem worse.  That's also true of nuclear
>      solutions to climate change.
>      Anyone who doubts the effectiveness of demand-side
>      solutions need only to look to California, where
>      in the first half of this year, with limited
>      formal programs, Californians have decreased their
>      peak demand for electricity by more than 12%,
>      reversing the past 5 to 10 years'growth in demand.
>      After a half-century of nuclear power, the verdict
>      of the marketplace is in.  Nuclear power has
>      flunked the market test.  Nuclear salesmen scour
>      the world for a single order, while makers of
>      alternatives enjoy brisk business.  Let's profit
>      from their experience.  Taking markets seriously,
>      not propping up failed technologies at public
>      expense, offers a stable climate, a prosperous
>      economy, and a cleaner and more peaceful world.
>      Amory B. and L. Hunter Lovins, co-CEOs of Rocky
>      Mountain Institute, advise energy companies and
>      governments worldwide. See <>.

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