For those who don't want to think about a possible American invasion of Saudi Arabia for the rest of the summer, here's an article that might interest you. It's little to do with Futurework, but fascinating nonetheless.


Scientists in America believe that clouds have a dark secret: they're created by viruses and bacteria as a means of global transport

Fred Pearce

Do bugs control our weather? Can viruses travel thousands of miles on the winds? Is there a whole ecosystem up in the clouds that we have not discovered? The answer to all three questions could be yes, according to scientists who are exploring the microbial metropolises in the skies.

There is, they say, growing evidence that bacteria, fungal spores and viruses may spend large amounts of time -- even their entire lives -- in the air, riding clouds across the planet. And they don't just inhabit the clouds -- they may also be creating them. Certainly, many of the clouds' newly discovered inhabitants are exquisitely designed to create the maximum number of ice crystals, the basic building-blocks of clouds. Some Darwinian biologists even argue that the bugs may have evolved for that very job.

"The ecology of the atmosphere is one of the last great frontiers of biological exploration on Earth," says Bruce Moffett of the University of East London. Within the next year, he hopes to conduct the first systematic bug-hunt in the clouds above Britain.

Until recently, nobody believed that bacteria and viruses spent much more time in the air than it takes to sneeze on your neighbour. Scientists assumed that if the material got caught up in the winds, it would quickly be killed by ultraviolet radiation from the sun. But Gene Shinn of the US Geological Survey in St Petersburg, Florida, who has examined their airborne lifestyle in detail, says that the bacteria seem to protect themselves from harmful rays by becoming attached to dust particles. In dust clouds, the amount of UV radiation will be lower than in "normal" situations. And one of Shinn's USGS colleagues, Dale Griffin, suggests that bacteria might survive even longer if they get into cracks in the parades.`They can survive travelling long distances, and spread disease on arrival.

Shinn has discovered that bacteria and fungi carried aloft on dust storms coming out of the Sahel region of West Africa can journey across the Atlantic in large numbers. So far, he has isolated more than 130 species of African bacteria and fungal spores over the Caribbean. Not only that, he says that they are probably responsible for a series of dramatic epidemics among Caribbean coral reefs in recent years.

One example is an African soil fungus called Aspergillus sydowii. It was first spotted in the Caribbean in 1983. That was a year of intense African drought. Huge clouds of dust billowed into the upper atmosphere and travelled west on the trade winds, forming a dense haze over the waters of the Caribbean. Since those clouds brought A. sydowii, says Shinn, the fungus has killed more than 90 percent of the region's sea fans -- a form of soft coral."Much of the decline in coral reefs in the Caribbean in recent years seems to be a result of pathogens transported in dust from Africa," says Shinn.

Last year, Griffin dramatically raised the stakes when he suggested that the epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in Britain in 2001 may have arrived on winds from Africa. He noticed that the first case of the disease was reported in February 2001, just a week after satellite pictures had shown a huge dust storm carrying sand from the Sahara to Britain. Saharan cattle are known to carry the same strain of the virus as turned up on British farms. The evidence is purely circumstantial. But it is not impossible, virologists admit. A previous outbreak of foot-and-mouth in Britain was traced to the
-- virus blowing across the English Channel`from France. So why not a longer journey?

Some researchers believe that bugs do more than hitch a ride in clouds. They may make the clouds, too. It turns out that many cloud-inhabiting bacteria are brilliantly designed for cloud-seeding: that is, for triggering the formation of ice crystals around which water vapour coalesces to create water droplets. They do this by producing a protein that mimics the shape of an ice crystal's surface, which could help growth to get started.

Many bacteria seem to be able to form ice crystals, but the best equipped appears to be Pseudomonas syringae, which commonly grows on plant matter, aiding the decomposition process. A single gram containing a million bacteria could theoretically produce up to a million ice crystals. It can trigger the formation of ice at temperatures of 13C, higher than other "ice nucleators". This ability is so well known that the bacteria are sometimes added to the water put into snow-making machines at Alpine ski resorts. In the atmosphere, the bacteria create clouds.

All this raises some questions, which Moffett hopes to answer. "We want to discover if it is true that microbes play an active role in forming clouds and making rain," he says. "In other words, whether there is an active, self-sustaining ecosystem up there."

One intriguing piece of evidence -- barely noticed by scientists at the time -- came in research done 20 years ago by Russell Schnell of the University of Colorado. Trying to find out why western Kenya had so many hailstorms, he stumbled on the fact that most of the hailstones there contained at their heart a scrap of R syringae.

How do the bugs get into the atmosphere in the first place? On land, one major route is in smoke from forest and bush fires. Another is dust storms. Schnell reckoned the bacteria in his hail stones were stirred up by the feet of pickers in the region's tea plantations. On the oceans, tiny bacteria and plankton on the water's surface may gain lift-off after getting caught in the air bubbles of whitecaps.

And why would bacteria have developed ice-making skills? Or, to put it more correctly, what is the selective advantage in Darwinist terms for bacteria to carry genes that trigger ice-making? This is the million-dollar Darwinian question.

Most researchers believe that the skill first developed on the ground, to make frost that decomposes leaf Utter -- thus providing the bacteria with food. But why would bacteria living in the tropics retain ice-creating skills when temperatures are generally too high for frost formation? The answer could be in the clouds, where temperatures are cold enough for ice formation. What evolutionary benefit might the bacteria gain from this? One argument is that the resulting rain helps plants grow, and makes more leaves for bacteria down below to eat.

But there may be another Darwinian purpose, says Tim Linton of the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh. Clouds are an efficient transportation system for the bacteria to spread themselves across the planet. Linton and the late William Hamilton, one of the world's leading evolutionary theorists, have suggested that cloud formation allows the bacteria to travel farther and to be "rained out" back on to the ground.

Much of this is pretty speculative. But whatever the possible motives for bacteria to make clouds, one practical spin-off of their skills is that scientists might develop more efficient "organic" methods of seeding clouds, using bacteria instead of chemicals. That is one reason why agriculturalists and military strategists may be taking notice when, probably later this year, Moffett takes a device rather like a vacuum cleaner into the skies to capture and investigate the unknown ecology in the clouds over England. Hopefully, this experiment will i answer many of the questions raised by the intriguing notion of ice-generating genes and bacteria.
Independent Review 20 August 2003

Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England, <>

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