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Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 1:02 PM

To: Urban Technology & Telecommunications


Subject: [CI] Canada-US Fulbright Program


For broad distribution to Graduate Students, Post-doctoral researchers,

Faculty Members and other Professionals (both junior and senior)


Target audiences:

· Canadian and American graduate students or prospective graduate students

who wish to conduct research or enroll in a graduate studies program in the US

or Canada, respectively, especially on projects in the areas of Canada-U.S.

relations; law; international trade; North American economic integration;

urban and regional planning; communications; culture; ecology and the environment;

indigenous issues; border issues; Canadian studies; American studies; and

comparative public policy

· Canadian and American Professors and other professionals who wish to

conduct research or teach in the United States or Canada, respectively





The competition for Canada-U.S. Fulbright Awards is now open for Canadian

students, scholars and professionals wishing to study, conduct research

and/or teach at an academic institution in the United States. Applications from

Canadian candidates must be post-marked no later than November 15, 2003 for

consideration for the academic year beginning September 2004. American

students must submit completed application forms to the Institute for International

Education's New York office by October 21 (www.iie.org) and interested

American scholars should contact the Council for International Exchange of Scholars



Canada-U.S. Fulbright awards offer scholars in Canada and the United States

a unique opportunity to explore important contemporary issues relevant to

Canada and the United States and the relationship between the two countries. By

engaging scholars in Canada and the United States in exchanges consistent

with the highest standards of academic excellence, the Canada-U.S. Fulbright

Program seeks to enhance mutual understanding between the two countries. Traditional

Fulbright Scholar Awards are available to Canadian and American

faculty members, experienced professionals and post-doctoral researchers who

wish to lecture, conduct research or undertake a combination of both

activities at an American or Canadian institution, respectively. The award is a fixed

sum of US$15,000 for a full academic year (nine months) or US$7,500 for one

semester. Basic health insurance is also provided. Faculty sabbatical,

leave-of- absence, or retirement pay may be used concurrently with Fulbright

support. Fulbright Visiting Chair Awards are intended to encourage

collaboration among Canadian and American scholars and facilitate the development of long-term

institutional linkages between the two countries. Provisions for Fulbright

Visiting Chair awards are particular to each institution, though normally

carry a value of US$25,000. Basic health insurance is also provided. Faculty

sabbatical, leave-of-absence, or retirement pay may be used concurrently

with Fulbright support.


Visiting chairs have been established at the following institutions:

University of Alberta; University of Calgary; Carleton University; Duke University,

Michigan State University, Université de Montréal; University of New

Brunswick Portland State University, Simon Fraser University; York University, the

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Pacific Northwest

Canadian Studies Consortium.


Fulbright New Century Scholars pursue individual and collaborative research

on a topic of global significance along with thirty outstanding scholars and

professionals selected each year from around the world. In 2004, the

research theme will be "Toward Equality: The Global Empowerment of Women." Please

consult www.cies.org/ncs for more detailed information.


Fulbright Senior Specialist Awards are intended to facilitate collaboration

between Canadian academic institutions and U.S. faculty and professionals on

curriculum and faculty development, institutional planning and a variety of

other activities. Short-term grants are available to American Senior

Specialists for participation in such initiatives and requests from Canadian

institutions for Fulbright Senior Specialist will be accepted throughout the

calendar year.


Traditional Fulbright Student Awards are intended for Canadian and American

graduate students, prospective graduate students, graduating seniors and

junior professionals who wish to study or conduct research at an American or

Canadian institution, respectively. The award is a fixed sum US$15,000 for one nine-

month academic year beginning in September. While the competition is "field

open," candidates in the following areas of study are especially encouraged to apply:

Canada-U.S. relations; Canadian studies; American studies; law; international trade;

North American economic integration; urban and regional planning; communications;

culture; ecology and  the environment; indigenous issues; border issues; and comparative public

policy, including areas of health, science and technology that bear on the

Program's mandate.


Fulbright-OAS Ecology Initiative Grants are available to Canadian scholars

who wish to pursue graduate degrees in the fields of natural science,

social science or public policy in the United States. Given the

regional orientation of the program, candidates should demonstrate an

interest in transnational cooperation and regional ecology and environmental



Benefits include a monthly stipend ranging from US$995 to US$1475,    

commensurate with living costs, in addition to a monthly book allowance of

US$75. Several supplemental allowances are also available and basic  health

insurance is provided. The Fulbright-OAS Ecology Program provides funding up

to a maximum of 24 months. Please note that applications for the

Fulbright-OAS Ecology Initiative will be accepted until May 31, 2004 for awards to be

taken up in September 2005.


For further information on opportunities available through the Canada-U.S.

Fulbright Program, please visit www.fulbright.ca or contact Amelia Brown at



Amy J. Harvey

Program Officer

The Canada-U.S. Fulbright Program

350 Albert St., Suite 2015

Ottawa, Ontario K1R 1A4

Tel: 613-688-5517, Fax: 613-237-2029




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