I mentioned honour in my message to Karen but, as it happens, several honourable things are happening in England which are showing a degree of courage that we don't often see these days.

Lord Hutton is acting honourably in extending the scope of his enquiry into the death of Dr Kelly somewhat further than the government expected or instructed him to do. He is doing it very quietly byt relentlessly. Blair dare not stop him now. Lord Hutton is going beyond the death and is now virtually asking why did Blair and Campbell, his one-time spinmeister, put pressure on Scarlett, the dishonourable and cowardly head of British Intelligence in exaggerating the nature of Saddam's threat to the west? Scarlett said that no-one in his department dissented from the dossier he is supposed to have written (with suitable amendments by Campbell). But he told a lie. Today, two "middle-ranking" intelligence officials (that is, they are of world-rank status in their field) said No, they were not happy with the Intelligence dossier. It was "over-egged" one said. (One of them actually spoke by video-link from Iraq where he is inspecting the place with American Intelligence officials looking for WMDs! Perhaps his American colleagues, too, will speak up at an appropriate time when Bush's decisions will be looked into further this autumn now that Congress is back from hols.)

So we can thank God for small mercies. But these small evidences of courage and honour can, in fact, move mountains in due course. There is now the possibility that both Bush and Blair can be persuaded to resign in due course -- albeit with an implicit dishonour that will stain their names in the history books for as long as they're read.
Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

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