Unless Saddam Hussein is captured quite soon, Bush's decision to ask for UN help (which he won't get on his terms) is the best possible encouragement he could have given to the Ba'athist terrorist network in Iraq. This confirms my view that the Bush team had so much else on their agenda that they couldn't think straight when they invaded Iraq, and they still can't think straight now. I think that the disregarded US State Department must be watching quietly while the Bush team pay out sufficient rope to hang themselves.

I think we can expect more terrorist incidents in Iraq and, if possible, more spectacular than those that have occurred so far. If Saddam Hussein is as clever as I think he is, then he'll be planning a big one during the coming week because this will have huge effects on Blair's credibility in the UK and will accelerate his possible decision to resign before the Hutton Enquiry resumes on 15 September. If this happens, then Bush will be well on his way to skid row very soon. It won't take much more by means of Congressional examination of his original invasion decision to finish him off and join his father in the elysium reserved for one-term presidents.

Keith Hudson, 6 Upper Camden Place, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>

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