Some may be interested in Tony Judge's latest.


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Judge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 19, 2003 4:44 AM
To: Information list
Subject: FYI-TJ New papers posted


This is to inform you of two sets of recent  papers that I have 
posted since my last mailing of this type (apologies if I have 
informed you of some of them otherwise). The second set relates to 
the conceptual challenge of Iraq / terrorism, etc. I hope one or more 
may be of intrest to you -- please indicate if you wish to be removed 
from this list.


12 Complementary Languages for Sustainable Governance (20k) 
Sustaining the Quest for Sustainable Answers (64k) 

Future Challenge of Faith-based Governance (20k) 

Towards Fruitful Patterns of Faith-based Governance (56k) 

En-minding the Extended Body: Enactive engagement in conceptual 
shapeshifting and deep ecology (121k) 

Framing NGOs in the Market for Change: comment on the report by 
SustainAbility * (106k, 111w) 

New Paradigms via a Renewed Set of Prefixes: Dependence of 
international policy-making on an array of operational terms * (116k, 

Planetary Challenge of 12-fold Strategic Marriage: Bonding Empire + 
Alternatives, Global + Local, and Behavioural + Depth psychology * 
(35k, 23w) 
Challenges of Renaissance: suggestive pattern of concerns in the 
light of the birth metaphor (15k, 22w) 
Don Justo's Self-Built Cathedral: metaphoric learnings for 
contemporary alternative initiatives (36k, 29w) 
Global Civil Society: strategic comments on the path ahead (75k, 39w)

Terminal Empowerment: socio-political implications of radical mutual 
assistance amongst the terminally ill (37k, 25w) 
Evoking Authenticity: through polyhedral global configuration of 
local paradoxes (118k, 110w) 

Tank-thoughts from Think-tanks: constraining metaphors on developing 
global governance (80k, 23w) 
Complementary Patterns of Meaningful Truth and the Interface between 
Alternative Variants * (46k, 32w) 

Embodying a Timeship vs. Empowering a Spaceship * (41k, 38w) 

Imaginal education: Game playing, science fiction, language, art and 


Patterns of the Past: Christian Complicity in Global Disorder (83k) 

America as Eve-ill Empire: Evocation of Authenticity Elsewhere (147k, 

Arming Civil Society Worldwide: Getting democracy to work in the 
emergent American Empire? (42k, 24w) 

Merits of Moving the UN HQ to Baghdad (11k, 3w) 


Anthony Judge
Futurework mailing list

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