>From Newscan Above the Fold:

Microsoft Sued For Damages Caused By Security Flaws
Film producer Marcy Levitas Hamilton, whose Social Security number was
stolen by network vandals, has filed a lawsuit aimed at holding Microsoft
responsible for damage stemming from security flaws in its software. The
suit is designed to form the basis of a class action, and alleges that the
majority of cyberattacks trace back to vulnerabilities in Microsoft
software. Internet security and privacy consultant Richard M. Smith sasy:
"This is the first time Microsoft has had its feet held to the fire on
security issues." Hamilton's lawsuit notes that after the vandals stole her
Social Security number, her bank accounts were accessed and frozen, and her
attorney says: "They completely cannibalized her life." Microsoft executive
Sean Sundwall responds: "This complaint misses the point. The problems
caused by viruses and other security attacks are the result of criminal
acts." (USA Today 7 Oct 2003)
Criminals Go Where The Action Is: The Internet
Len Hynds, the head of Britain's National Hi-tech Crime Unit (NHTCU), says
that organized crime syndicates have stepped up their presence on the
Internet, operating extortion rackets, child pornography rings and elaborate
financial scams: "Organized crime is turning to the weakest element in the
chain, which is the people. It's the hands on the keyboard on either end of
the transaction that is the actual weak point. Organized crime in all its
guises is extremely flexible. It does spot the new and lucrative
opportunity." One urgent problem is the increase in child pornography
online, and Hynds says his group is taking the problem very seriously: "We
are focusing on the organized groups that are making money out of peddling
child pornography on the Internet. We are doing that in partnership with
business and industry. We've deployed officers from this office overseas to
physically remove children to places of safety." (USA Today 7 Oct 2003)
             TOURBUS Volume 9, Number 13 -- 07 Oct 2003


It sounds scary.  But should you be afraid?  You may be wondering
exactly what the phrase "identity theft" means.  Perhaps it conjures
up images of evil plastic surgeons, or someone standing on the street
corner yelling "Stop that man -- he just stole my IDENTITY!"  And
ironically, the policeman says "Who are you?"

Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal information
(usually without your knowledge) to commit fraud or theft. It's a
problem that existed before the Internet, or even computers. But
computers and the Internet might make it easier for Bad People to
learn your name, address, birthdate, social security number, credit
card, bank account or driver's license number.

And armed with some or all of that data, it becomes possible for a
criminal to invade your privacy, run up a tab at your expense, open
bank accounts, apply for loans, establish phone or utility service,
request a postal change of address, or even commit crimes in your

Who Wants to Be a Billionaire?

In 2001, a high-school dropout employed as a busboy made
headlines when he was caught in a scheme to steal millions from rich
and famous people such as Steven Spielberg, Ross Perot, Oprah Winfrey
and Ted Turner.

Police arrested 32-year-old Abraham Abdallah, in possession of a
tattered copy of Forbes Magazine's "400 Richest" article, marked up
with the social security numbers, home addresses and birth dates of
200 celebs and moguls.

Abdallah allegedly used the Internet for some of his research, and was
able to obtain detailed credit reports on his victims, gain access to
credit cards and poke into accounts at brokerage houses. Abdallah's
virtual house of cards began to tumble when Merrill Lynch got
suspicious about an email request to transfer $10 million.

Don't Be the Weakest Link

Even if you're not a billionaire, you could put yourself at risk of
identity theft if you're not careful.  If you don't want to be among
the 500,000 people who are victims of identity scammers each year,
here are some things you can do to protect yourself, both online and

 + Never send personal information such as credit card or social
   security numbers by email.  Think of email the same as a post
   card, in terms of security.

 + Don't reveal your password to anyone.  At websites that require
   a login, use something other than your primary userid & password.

 + Put as little as possible in online profiles, especially if you
   use AOL.  Make sure children in your care understand this also.

 + Be very careful at public Internet terminals, ATMs and phone
   booths.  Someone could be "shoulder surfing" to learn your
   password, PIN code or calling card number.

 + When you're in a public place and you have to enter private
   data, use the "two finger" method.  Put both of your index
   fingers on the keyboard or keypad, and pretend to press a key
   with one hand, while pressing the desired key with the other.
   With practice, you can enter your password or PIN number in a
   way that makes it virtually impossible for snoops to detect.

 + When making an online purchase, be sure the merchant uses a
   secure server. (The site address should begin with HTTPS instead
   of HTTP.)

 + Don't respond to messages informing you that you've won a prize,
   if they require you to provide a credit card number, SSN, etc.
   in order to claim the booty.

 + Don't respond to messages informing you that you've won a prize,
   period.  NEWS FLASH: You didn't win.  It's either a spammer or
   a scammer trying to get money or personal info from you.

 + Keep a close watch on laptops, PDAs and cell phones when you're
   in a public place.  Protect access to these devices with a

 + If you sell a computer or hard disk, make sure the disk is
   wiped clean.  But deleting files or even formatting the disk
   may not be enough.  I suggest a digital "file shredder".  You
   can find a free program to do this at Download.com by searching
   for "file shredder" or "secure delete".

  <A href="http://www.download.com";>
  http://www.download.com </A>

Got Bilked?

If you believe that you have become a victim of identity theft, quick
action can minimize the damage.  Here are some steps you should take
immediately if you lose your wallet, passport, or birth certificate,
if you have a laptop stolen, or if you note suspicious activity on
your credit card.

 + Notify the police in case of fraud or theft, and get a copy of
   the police report.
 + Contact your bank and inform them if a credit card or other
   account may have been compromised.
 + Ask the credit bureaus to attach a fraud alert to your report.
 + Contact the post office to see if a change of address has been filed.
 + Ask your Internet provider for a new password and/or email address.

Educate Yourself

Here are some good sites that provide more information on identity
theft and tips on protecting your personal privacy.  The U.S. Federal
Trade Commission has a useful website with information about identity

  <A href="http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft";>
  http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft </A>

Another resource created by the FTC is "ID Theft: When Bad Things
Happen To Your Good Name".

  <A href="http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/credit/idtheft.htm";>
  http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/credit/idtheft.htm </A>

In my next article, I'll discuss the topic of online privacy in more
detail.  That's all for now, I'll see you next time!  --Bob Rankin

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