
I was wrong about nuclear power in China. It does have a policy of building nuclear reactors. Two are being built at present that will raise nuclear contribution of electricity generation to 4% with two dozen more being planned over the next 20 years or so that will raise it to about 25%. That would place China at about 10th place in % dependence. As other nuclear power countries are generally cutting back I'd be surprised if China actually does build that many. We'll see. (Or at least our descendents will see!)

I would still maintain that nuclear power world-wide will still not reach the levels that the earliest countries reached in their first flush of enthusiasm. Those earliest into nuclear power are also the most reserved about committing themselves in the future. And once again, nuclear power doesn't make chemical feedstock that fossil fuels do.


Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <www.evolutionary-economics.org>, <www.handlo.com>, <www.property-portraits.co.uk>

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