The attached article is an analysis of the jobless situation in the American economy at the present time -- with its obvious implications concerning Bush's prospects in the next presidential elections in November 2004. The anonymous Economist staffer writes that unemployment is due to two factors. One is cyclical -- caused by the normal rise and fall in consumer demand for various reasons -- and the other is structural -- due to the actual make-up of the businesses (and direct government employment) that employ workers within a country.

Both causes of employment are wave-like. The consumer demand factor is fairly short-term -- of the order of 5 to10 years -- as the mass of consumers fall into step as regards changing fashions of demand for goods, and/or how much to invest, and/or how deeply to get into debt, and/or what size families to have. These, in turn are due to other factors such as the rate of interest, and also what is the overall consensus as regards the future. Most of the decisions that result are entirely rational but some are irrational, or rather, a-rational, such as the investment boom of the late 90s when everybody was taken in by the prospects for the IT revolution, so that all those who invested in equities thought they were going to be rich. Some of the factors and fashions and decisions are mutually-cancelling in their effect, but there is usually one predominant short-wave trend within the while and it is this that has the major effect on employment.

The structural cause of consumer demand, and hence overall employment, is due to the succession of innovations that find their way to the showroom or shopping mall. At any one time these are usually components of a much larger technological or scientific breakthrough and the latter don't come around very often. And when they do, it may take as long as 50 or 60 years or even longer for their full effects to become apparent. At the present time -- and for the last 30 or 40 years or so -- we are into a period in which computerisation is working its way through the whole economic system. As far as the production of goods is concerned, though not so much in the case of services, this takes the form of distinct ratchet-like steps in which one particular production method becomes uneconomic and suddenly ceases. The apparent cause of most of these are supposed to be cheaper labour -- and there's no doubt that this is an important trigger-cause, particularly when a particular production process leaves one country and goes to another -- but it also enables the producer to change the whole culture of the process, enabling a whole new constellation of cost factors to bear on the final price of the product when it reaches the consumer.  

During the industrial revolution of the past 200 years or so there have been three main structural changes -- the steam age, the electrification age and, today, the computer age. Once each of those got under way, then a rapid succession of new products and new methods of production took off. The problem is that when we are in the middle of one of these main phases, we certainly experience the ratchet-like effects of more efficient production on employment -- which can be painful for many -- but we don't have any idea of how much longer the phase is going to last. For any one production process there has to be a limit to gains in efficiency. At the present time, for example, there seems to be an unceasing flow of jobs from the developed countries to the developing ones, particularly those of south-east Asia and, more latterly, India. In response, the only thing that a developed country can do is to make the existing production processes even more efficient and attract jobs back to the home country. This happened very effectively in the 90s, for example, when the dsign and production of computer chips, which had largely fled to Asia, came back again to America. However, this particular segment of the industry seems to be flowing back again to Asia.

The writer of the Economist article makes a good point in saying that it would help all employers in the developed world if the health costs of employing labour could be made much cheaper. So it would, but this doesn't meet the main problem -- that we don't really know how much longer the computer age will last until pretty well everything we do is as efficient as it can possibly be.

However, when we consider that all three main phases of the industrial revolution -- steam, electrification and computerisation -- have all depended on cheap energy, the evidence is that this is going to be extremely expensive in the coming decades. This, by itself, isn't going to alter the character of what we produce and what services we need, but it may limit the overall world production that is possible and strongly suggests that, maybe, the industrial revolution is coming to an end. Perhaps it is time to consider that an entirely new revolution is going to be needed if the whole of mankind is not going to enter a period of prolonged statis and, maybe, steady collapse.

Given the need for energy in large quantities -- whatever the nature of the historical period, or the important production phases within them -- then any country that is looking towards a much longer term future ought really to be placing the utmost emphasis on an entirely new energy technology. This can only be solar power. Indirectly, it has always been the source of our energy from huner-gatherer times right up till the present so-called high-tech era -- whether natural living resources, fossilised fuels or radioactivity -- but there is no reason in principle why we should not tap into solar power much more directly and on a daily basis and, more importantly, a local basis, say by solar cells or biological methods. The potential is enormous, and what is more, it has the possibility of being able to restore social and political organisation to much smaller community-sized economices -- something in which our genetic behaviours can act much more safely than in the huge hierarchical systems we have today and the fearful weapons with which they protect themselves.

Keith Hudson


Why many Americans are staying out of work

Washington DC:

Few statistics are followed more closely in George Bush's White House than the monthly jobs figures. In 1992, unemployment cost his father the election; the son has presided over more than 2.5m job losses. Small wonder that the White House jumped on the latest report, released on October 3rd.

It showed that non-farm payrolls rose in September, the first rise in eight months. At 57,000, the net number of new jobs created was barely half the 125,000 or so needed to keep up with new entrants into the labour force; but at least it was not a drop. Better still, August's job loss number was revised down by more than half. "Things are getting better," said Mr Bush.

Are they? One month of modest employment growth hardly proves the end of "the jobless recovery". Nonetheless, there are reasons for hope. One is that all of the increase in September's jobs came from the private sector, much of it from a rise in the number of temporary workers. The number of temporary jobs has risen for the fifth month in a row.

Hiring more temporary workers often precedes a rise in permanent jobs as economies emerge from recession. According to Richard Berner, an economist at Morgan Stanley, America's firms have spent the past two years trimming their workforces, after taking on too many employees during the bubble years of the late 1990s. With the excess cut out, and profit margins bigger, he reckons hiring should start again.

The pace of job growth, however, may well continue to lag behind that of previous post-1945 recoveries. This is because America's recent slowdown was no ordinary recession. Structural changes in America's economy -- such as technological innovation  and  moving  production abroad -- have played a far bigger role than before in job losses. Rather than temporarily laying off workers as demand slowed, firms have been getting rid of them entirely. Those dismissed have to find jobs in new firms and new industries, which takes much longer than simply returning to an old employer.

In a recent study, Erica Groshen and Simon Potter, two economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, carefully examined the relative importance of cyclical and structural factors in the labour market. They point out that temporary lay-offs, when a worker is laid off during a recession but later returns to the same employer, played a significant role in four recessions before the 1990s. In the two most recent downturns, those of 1990-91 and 2001, they figured little.

The two economists also tried to measure whether job losses were due to cyclical or structural factors. If a job is lost because demand for the firm's product is temporarily low, then the job should come back as the economy begins to recover. But if a job is lost because a firm or industry is structurally in decline, then it never returns. In the sharp recession of the early 1980s, they found that job losses were split almost evenly between cyclical and structural changes. In the most recent slow-downs, however, most job flows were due to structural changes. By 1990-91 almost 60% of America's workers were in industries undergoing structural adjustments. By 2001, that figure was almost 80%.

This highlights two important points. First, it may well take longer than expected for the jobs figures to rise, since they will have to be new jobs, often in new industries. Second, today's trend towards structural rather than cyclical shifts is an intensified version of a phenomenon already evident in the 1990-91 slowdown. In one way, this bodes well: although it took more than a year for job growth to pick up in the early 1990s, about 18 months into the recovery employment growth soared.

Given that America had more cyclical excesses to work off this time, and that structural shifts are even more important than in 1991, employment may well take longer to rise than it did in the early 1990s. But rise it eventually should.

Time, unfortunately, is not on Mr Bush's side. With the presidential election little more than a year away, the White House needs to point to job increases now. Unfortunately, in their haste for results, both Mr Bush's team and his Democratic rivals are pushing wrongheaded ideas. The politicians' focus has been on trying to slow down the pace of structural change, particularly in one area, foreign competition. China-source of soaring imports and the place to which many American firms shift their production-is cast as the chief villain.The pressure is on for China to revalue its exchange rate or, say many law-makers, face punitive tariffs.

Alas, the attempt to slow structural change in American industry will not stop there. The fear of losing service-sector jobs to foreigners is close behind. A study by Forrester, a business research group, suggests that the number of such jobs that will be outsourced to places such as India is likely to rise from 400,000 today to 3.3m in 2015. Already some states are trying to resist this by ordering state agencies not to use call centres and the like in India.

It would be better to address the factors that depress American hiring directly. One good place to start would be the rising non-wage costs of employing permanent workers, especially health-care costs. After slowing in the mid-1990s, these are soaring again, at double-digit rates since 1998. Finding a way to control health-care costs would be a far more sensible way to help America's workers than bashing China.
Economist -- 11 October 2003

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>, <>, <>