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In Pioneering Study, Monkey Think, Robot Do

October 13, 2003


Monkeys that can move a robot arm with thoughts alone have
brought the merger of mind and machine one step closer. 

In experiments at Duke University, implants in the monkeys'
brains picked up brain signals and sent them to a robotic
arm, which carried out reaching and grasping movements on a
computer screen driven only by the monkeys' thoughts. 

The achievement is a significant advance in the continuing
effort to devise thought-controlled machines that could be
a great benefit for people who are paralyzed, or have lost
control over their physical movements. 

In previous experiments, some in the same laboratory at
Duke, both humans and monkeys have had their brains wired
so they could move cursors on computer screens just by
thinking about it. And wired monkeys have moved robot arms
by making a motion with their own arms. The new research,
however, involves thought-controlled robotic action that
does not depend on physical movement by the monkey and that
involves the complex muscular activities of reaching and

The study is being published today in the inaugural issue
of The Public Library of Science, a peer-reviewed
scientific journal that makes articles available free of
charge. The research team was led by Dr. Miguel A. L.
Nicolelis, a neurobiology professor and co-director of the
Center for Neuroengineering at Duke, in North Carolina. Dr.
Nicolelis also did the earlier research on monkeys and
robot arms at Duke. 

While other laboratories have helped monkeys use thoughts
to move robots, using different experimental designs, the
Duke findings go furthest in the sense that their robots
were mentally assimilated into the animals' brains. 

"For nearly completely paralyzed people, this promises to
be a fantastic boon," said Dr. Jon Kaas, a psychology
professor at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, who is
familiar with Dr. Nicolelis's research. "A person could
control a computer or robot to do anything in real time, as
fast as they can think." 

While experts agree that thought-controlled personal robots
are many years off, the Duke University team recently
showed that humans produce brain signals like those of the
experimental monkeys. 

"Monkeys not only use their brain activity to control a
robot," said Dr. John Chapin, a professor of physiology and
pharmacology at the State University of New York Downstate
Medical Center in Brooklyn. "They improve their performance
with time. The stunning thing is that we can now see how
this occurs, how neurons change their tuning as the monkey
does different tasks." 

Dr. Nicolelis implanted tiny probes called microwires into
several brain regions of two rhesus monkeys. At first, each
monkey learned to move a joystick that controlled a cursor
on a computer screen. When a ball appeared, the animal had
to move the cursor to the target to earn a drink of juice.
Researchers collected electrical patterns from the monkey's
brain as it performed the tasks. 

After the monkey became skilled at the exercise, the
scientists disconnected the joystick. At first, the monkey
jiggled the stick and stared at the screen, Dr. Nicolelis
said. Even though the joystick was not working, the
monkey's reaching and grasping motor plans were being sent
to a computer, which translated those signals into
movements on screen. 

There was an "incredible moment" when the monkey realized
that it could guide the cursor and grasp an object on the
screen just by thinking it, Dr. Nicolelis said. The arm
dropped. Muscles no longer contracted. 

The final step was to divert brain signals to a computer
model that controlled the movements of a robot. The monkey
continued to think the movements but in doing so it now
moved the robot arm directly, without a joystick, which in
turn directed movements of the cursor. 

Controlling a shaky, jerky robot with thought is not easy,
Dr. Nicolelis said. When the robot is first added, the
monkey's performance degrades. It takes two days for the
animal to learn the mechanical properties of the arm and to
incorporate its delays into motor planning areas. 

"By the end of training, I would say that these monkeys
sensed they were reaching and grasping with their own arms
instead of the robot arm," Dr. Nicolelis said. "Every time
we use a tool to interact with our environment, such as a
computer mouse, car or glasses, our brain assimilates
properties of the tool into neuronal space. Tools are
appendages which are incorporated into our body schema. As
we develop new tools, we reshape our brains," he said.


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