How to get to the bottom of this?  Who to trust with the answers?

A *balanced* Presidential Commission, with open televised hearings might be
the only way to go.  Pick a staff of respected net experts, experts who are
trusted and can't be muzzled.


-----Original Message-----
From: Selma Singer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 9:41 AM
Subject: [Futurework] Fw: All the President's votes? [long; important]

I believe this is the single most important issue facing Americans today,
bar none.


----- Original Message ----- 
: Tuesday, October 14, 2003 8:58 PM
Subject: All the President's votes?

> A quiet revolution is taking place in US politics. By the time it's over,
> the integrity of elections will be in the unchallenged, unscrutinised
> control of a few large - and pro-Republican - corporations. Andrew Gumbel
> wonders if democracy in America can survive
> The Independent, London
> 14 October 2003
> Something very odd happened in the mid-term elections in Georgia last
> November. On the eve of the vote, opinion polls showed Roy Barnes, the
> incumbent Democratic governor, leading by between nine and 11 points. In a
> somewhat closer, keenly watched Senate race, polls indicated that Max
> Cleland, the popular Democrat up for re-election, was ahead by two to five
> points against his Republican challenger, Saxby Chambliss.
> Those figures were more or less what political experts would have expected
> in state with a long tradition of electing Democrats to statewide office.
> But then the results came in, and all of Georgia appeared to have been
> turned upside down. Barnes lost the governorship to the Republican, Sonny
> Perdue, 46 per cent to 51 per cent, a swing of as much as 16 percentage
> points from the last opinion polls. Cleland lost to Chambliss 46 per cent
> to 53, a last-minute swing of 9 to 12 points.
> Red-faced opinion pollsters suddenly had a lot of explaining to do and
> launched internal investigations. Political analysts credited the upset -
> part of a pattern of Republican successes around the country - to a huge
> campaigning push by President Bush in the final days of the race. They
> also said that Roy Barnes had lost because of a surge of "angry white men"
> punishing him for eradicating all but a vestige of the old confederate
> symbol from the state flag.
> But something about these explanations did not make sense, and they have
> made even less sense over time. When the Georgia secretary of state's
> office published its demographic breakdown of the election earlier this
> year, it turned out there was no surge of angry white men; in fact, the
> only subgroup showing even a modest increase in turnout was black women.
> There were also big, puzzling swings in partisan loyalties in different
> parts of the state. In 58 counties, the vote was broadly in line with the
> primary election. In 27 counties in Republican-dominated north Georgia,
> however, Max Cleland unaccountably scored 14 percentage points higher than
> he had in the primaries. And in 74 counties in the Democrat south, Saxby
> Chambliss garnered a whopping 22 points more for the Republicans than the
> party as a whole had won less than three months earlier.
> Now, weird things like this do occasionally occur in elections, and the
> figures, on their own, are not proof of anything except statistical
> anomalies worthy of further study. But in Georgia there was an extra
> reason to be suspicious. Last November, the state became the first in the
> country to conduct an election entirely with touchscreen voting machines,
> after lavishing $54m (33m) on a new system that promised to deliver the
> securest, most up-to-date, most voter-friendly election in the history of
> the republic. The machines, however, turned out to be anything but
> reliable. With academic studies showing the Georgia touchscreens to be
> poorly programmed, full of security holes and prone to tampering, and with
> thousands of similar machines from different companies being introduced at
> high speed across the country, computer voting may, in fact, be US
> democracy's own 21st-century nightmare.
> In many Georgia counties last November, the machines froze up, causing
> long delays as technicians tried to reboot them. In heavily Democratic
> Fulton County, in downtown Atlanta, 67 memory cards from the voting
> machines went missing, delaying certification of the results there for 10
> days. In neighbouring DeKalb County, 10 memory cards were unaccounted for;
> they were later recovered from terminals that had supposedly broken down
> and been taken out of service.
> It is still unclear exactly how results from these missing cards were
> tabulated, or if they were counted at all. And we will probably never
> know, for a highly disturbing reason. The vote count was not conducted by
> state elections officials, but by the private company that sold Georgia
> the voting machines in the first place, under a strict trade-secrecy
> contract that made it not only difficult but actually illegal - on pain of
> stiff criminal penalties - for the state to touch the equipment or examine
> the proprietary software to ensure the machines worked properly. There was
> not even a paper trail to follow up. The machines were fitted with thermal
> printing devices that could theoretically provide a written record of
> voters' choices, but these were not activated. Consequently, recounts were
> impossible. Had Diebold Inc, the manufacturer, been asked to review the
> votes, all it could have done was programme the computers to spit out the
> same data as before, flawed or not.
> Astonishingly, these are the terms under which America's top three
> computer voting machine manufacturers - Diebold, Sequoia and Election
> Systems and Software (ES&S) - have sold their products to election
> officials around the country. Far from questioning the need for rigid
> trade secrecy and the absence of a paper record, secretaries of state and
> their technical advisers - anxious to banish memories of the hanging chad
> fiasco and other associated disasters in the 2000 presidential recount in
> Florida - have, for the most part, welcomed the touchscreen voting
> machines as a technological miracle solution.
> Georgia was not the only state last November to see big last-minute swings
> in voting patterns. There were others in Colorado, Minnesota, Illinois and
> New Hampshire - all in races that had been flagged as key partisan
> battlegrounds, and all won by the Republican Party. Again, this was widely
> attributed to the campaigning efforts of President Bush and the
> demoralisation of a Democratic Party too timid to speak out against the
> looming war in Iraq.
> Strangely, however, the pollsters made no comparable howlers in lower-key
> races whose outcome was not seriously contested. Another anomaly, perhaps.
> What, then, is one to make of the fact that the owners of the three major
> computer voting machines are all prominent Republican Party donors? Or of
> a recent political fund-raising letter written to Ohio Republicans by
> Walden O'Dell, Diebold's chief executive, in which he said he was
> "committed to helping Ohio to deliver its electoral votes to the president
> next year" - even as his company was bidding for the contract on the
> state's new voting machinery?
> Alarmed and suspicious, a group of Georgia citizens began to look into
> last November's election to see whether there was any chance the results
> might have been deliberately or accidentally manipulated. Their research
> proved unexpectedly, and disturbingly, fruitful.
> First, they wanted to know if the software had undergone adequate
> checking. Under state and federal law, all voting machinery and component
> parts must be certified before use in an election. So an Atlanta graphic
> designer called Denis Wright wrote to the secretary of state's office for
> a copy of the certification letter. Clifford Tatum, assistant director of
> legal affairs for the election division, wrote back: "We have determined
> that no records exist in the Secretary of State's office regarding a
> certification letter from the lab certifying the version of software used
> on Election Day." Mr Tatum said it was possible the relevant documents
> were with Gary Powell, an official at the Georgia Technology Authority, so
> campaigners wrote to him as well. Mr Powell responded he was "not sure
> what you mean by the words 'please provide written certification
> documents' ".
> "If the machines were not certified, then right there the election was
> illegal," Mr Wright says. The secretary of state's office has yet to
> demonstrate anything to the contrary. The investigating citizens then
> considered the nature of the software itself. Shortly after the election,
> a Diebold technician called Rob Behler came forward and reported that,
> when the machines were about to be shipped to Georgia polling stations in
> the summer of 2002, they performed so erratically that their software had
> to be amended with a last-minute "patch". Instead of being transmitted via
> disk - a potentially time-consuming process, especially since its author
> was in Canada, not Georgia - the patch was posted, along with the entire
> election software package, on an open-access FTP, or file transfer
> protocol site, on the internet.
> That, according to computer experts, was a violation of the most basic of
> security precautions, opening all sorts of possibilities for the
> introduction of rogue or malicious code. At the same time, however, it
> gave campaigners a golden opportunity to circumvent Diebold's own secrecy
> demands and see exactly how the system worked. Roxanne Jekot, a computer
> programmer with 20 years' experience, and an occasional teacher at Lanier
> Technical College northeast of Atlanta, did a line-by-line review and
> found "enough to stand your hair on end".
> "There were security holes all over it," she says, "from the most basic
> display of the ballot on the screen all the way through the operating
> system." Although the programme was designed to be run on the Windows 2000
> NT operating system, which has numerous safeguards to keep out intruders,
> Ms Jekot found it worked just fine on the much less secure Windows 98; the
> 2000 NT security features were, as she put it, "nullified".
> Also embedded in the software were the comments of the programmers working
> on it. One described what he and his colleagues had just done as "a gross
> hack". Elsewhere was the remark: "This doesn't really work." "Not a
> confidence builder, would you say?" Ms Jekot says. "They were operating in
> panic mode, cobbling together something that would work for the moment,
> knowing that at some point they would have to go back to figure out how to
> make it work more permanently." She found some of the code downright
> suspect - for example, an overtly meaningless instruction to divide the
> number of write-in votes by 1. "From a logical standpoint there is
> absolutely no reason to do that," she says. "It raises an immediate red
> flag."
> Mostly, though, she was struck by the shoddiness of much of the
> programming. "I really expected to have some difficulty reviewing the
> source code because it would be at a higher level than I am accustomed
> to," she says. "In fact, a lot of this stuff looked like the homework my
> first-year students might have turned in." Diebold had no specific comment
> on Ms Jekot's interpretations, offering only a blanket caution about the
> complexity of election systems "often not well understood by individuals
> with little real-world experience".
> But Ms Jekot was not the only one to examine the Diebold software and find
> it lacking. In July, a group of researchers from the Information Security
> Institute at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore discovered what they
> called "stunning flaws". These included putting the password in the source
> code, a basic security no-no; manipulating the voter smart-card function
> so one person could cast more than one vote; and other loopholes that
> could theoretically allow voters' ballot choices to be altered without
> their knowledge, either on the spot or by remote access.
> Diebold issued a detailed response, saying that the Johns Hopkins report
> was riddled with false assumptions, inadequate information and "a
> multitude of false conclusions". Substantially similar findings, however,
> were made in a follow-up study on behalf of the state of Maryland, in
> which a group of computer security experts catalogued 328 software flaws,
> 26 of them critical, putting the whole system "at high risk of
> compromise". "If these vulnerabilities are exploited, significant impact
> could occur on the accuracy, integrity, and availability of election
> results," their report says.
> Ever since the Johns Hopkins study, Diebold has sought to explain away the
> open FTP file as an old, incomplete version of its election package. The
> claim cannot be independently verified, because of the trade-secrecy
> agreement, and not everyone is buying it. "It is documented throughout the
> code who changed what and when. We have the history of this programme from
> 1996 to 2002," Ms Jekot says. "I have no doubt this is the software used
> in the elections." Diebold now says it has upgraded its encryption and
> password features - but only on its Maryland machines.
> A key security question concerned compatibility with Microsoft Windows,
> and Ms Jekot says just three programmers, all of them senior Diebold
> executives, were involved in this aspect of the system. One of these,
> Diebold's vice-president of research and development, Talbot Iredale,
> wrote an e-mail in April 2002 - later obtained by the campaigners - making
> it clear that he wanted to shield the operating system from Wylie Labs, an
> independent testing agency involved in the early certification process.
> The reason that emerges from the e-mail is that he wanted to make the
> software compatible with WinCE 3.0, an operating system used for handhelds
> and PDAs; in other words, a system that could be manipulated from a remote
> location. "We do not want Wyle [sic] reviewing and certifying the
> operating systems," the e-mail reads. "Therefore can we keep to a minimum
> the references to the WinCE 3.0 operating system."
> In an earlier intercepted e-mail, this one from Ken Clark in Diebold's
> research and development department, the company explained upfront to
> another independent testing lab that the supposedly secure software system
> could be accessed without a password, and its contents easily changed
> using the Microsoft Access programme. Mr Clark says he had considered
> putting in a password requirement to stop dealers and customers doing
> "stupid things", but that the easy access had often "got people out of a
> bind". Astonishingly, the representative from the independent testing lab
> did not see anything wrong with this and granted certification to the part
> of the software programme she was inspecting - a pattern of lackadaisical
> oversight that was replicated all the way to the top of the political
> chain of command in Georgia, and in many other parts of the country.
> Diebold has not contested the authenticity of the e-mails, now openly
> accessible on the internet. However, Diebold did caution that, as the
> e-mails were taken from a Diebold Election systems website in March 2003
> by an illegal hack, the nature of the information stolen could have been
> revised or manipulated.
> There are two reasons why the United States is rushing to overhaul its
> voting systems. The first is the Florida dbcle in the Bush-Gore election;
> no state wants to be the centre of that kind of attention again. And the
> second is the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), signed by President Bush last
> October, which promises an unprecedented $3.9bn (2.3bn) to the states to
> replace their old punchcard-and-lever machines. However, enthusiasm for
> the new technology seems to be motivated as much by a bureaucratic love of
> spending as by a love of democratic accountability. According to Rebecca
> Mercuri, a research fellow at Harvard's John F Kennedy School of
> Government and a specialist in voting systems, the shockingly high error
> rate of punchcard machines (3-5 per cent in Florida in 2000) has been
> known to people in the elections business for years. It was only after it
> became public knowledge in the last presidential election that anybody
> felt moved to do anything about it.
> The problem is, computer touchscreen machines and other so-called DRE
> (direct recording electronic) systems are significantly less reliable than
> punchcards, irrespective of their vulnerability to interference. In a
> series of research papers for the Voting Technology Project, a joint
> venture of the prestigious Massachussetts and California Institutes of
> Technology, DREs were found to be among the worst performing systems. No
> method, the MIT/CalTech study conceded, worked more reliably than
> hand-counting paper ballots - an option that US electoral officials seem
> to consider hopelessly antiquated, or at least impractical in elections
> combining multiple local, state and national races for offices from
> President down to dogcatcher.
> The clear disadvantages and dangers associated with DREs have not deterred
> state and county authorities from throwing themselves headlong into
> touchscreen technology. More than 40,000 machines made by Diebold alone
> are already in use in 37 states, and most are touchscreens. County after
> county is poised to spend hundreds of millions of dollars more on computer
> voting before next spring's presidential primaries. "They say this is the
> direction they have to go in to have fair elections, but the rush to go
> towards computerisation is very dubious," Dr Mercuri says. "One has to
> wonder why this is going on, because the way it is set up it takes away
> the checks and balances we have in a democratic society. That's the whole
> point of paper trails and recounts."
> Anyone who has struggled with an interactive display in a museum knows how
> dodgy touchscreens can be. If they don't freeze, they easily become
> misaligned, which means they can record the wrong data. In Dallas, during
> early voting before last November's election, people found that no matter
> how often they tried to press a Democrat button, the Republican
> candidate's name would light up. After a court hearing, Diebold agreed to
> take down 18 machines with apparent misalignment problems. "And those were
> the ones where you could visually spot a problem," Dr Mercuri says. "What
> about what you don't see? Just because your vote shows up on the screen
> for the Democrats, how do you know it is registering inside the machine
> for the Democrats?"
> Other problems have shown up periodically: machines that register zero
> votes, or machines that indicate voters coming to the polling station but
> not voting, even when a single race with just two candidates was on the
> ballot. Dr Mercuri was part of a lawsuit in Palm Beach County in which she
> and other plaintiffs tried to have a suspect Sequoia machine examined,
> only to run up against the brick wall of the trade-secret agreement. "It
> makes it really hard to show their product has been tampered with," she
> says, "if it's a felony to inspect it."
> As for the possibilities of foul play, Dr Mercuri says they are virtually
> limitless. "There are literally hundreds of ways to do this," she says.
> "There are hundreds of ways to embed a rogue series of commands into the
> code and nobody would ever know because the nature of programming is so
> complex. The numbers would all tally perfectly." Tampering with an
> election could be something as simple as a "denial-of-service" attack, in
> which the machines simply stop working for an extended period, deterring
> voters faced with the prospect of long lines. Or it could be done with
> invasive computer codes known in the trade by such nicknames as "Trojan
> horses" or "Easter eggs". Detecting one of these, Dr Mercuri says, would
> be almost impossible unless the investigator knew in advance it was there
> and how to trigger it. Computer researcher Theresa Hommel, who is alarmed
> by touchscreen systems, has constructed a simulated voting machine in
> which the same candidate always wins, no matter what data you put in. She
> calls her model the Fraud-o-matic, and it is available online at
> It is not just touchscreens which are at risk from error or malicious
> intrusion. Any computer system used to tabulate votes is vulnerable. An
> optical scan of ballots in Scurry County, Texas, last November erroneously
> declared a landslide victory for the Republican candidate for county
> commissioner; a subsequent hand recount showed that the Democrat had in
> fact won. In Comal County, Texas, a computerised optical scan found that
> three different candidates had won their races with exactly 18,181 votes.
> There was no recount or investigation, even though the coincidence, with
> those recurring 1s and 8s, looked highly suspicious. In heavily Democrat
> Broward County, Florida - which had switched to touchscreens in the wake
> of the hanging chad furore - more than 100,000 votes were found to have
> gone "missing" on election day. The votes were reinstated, but the glitch
> was not adequately explained. One local official blamed it on a "minor
> software thing".
> Most suspect of all was the governor's race in Alabama, where the
> incumbent Democrat, Don Siegelman, was initially declared the winner.
> Sometime after midnight, when polling station observers and most staff had
> gone home, the probate judge responsible for elections in rural Baldwin
> County suddenly "discovered" that Mr Siegelman had been awarded 7,000
> votes too many. In a tight election, the change was enough to hand victory
> to his Republican challenger, Bob Riley. County officials talked vaguely
> of a computer tabulation error, or a lightning strike messing up the
> machines, but the real reason was never ascertained because the state's
> Republican attorney general refused to authorise a recount or any
> independent ballot inspection.
> According to an analysis by James Gundlach, a sociology professor at
> Auburn University in Alabama, the result in Baldwin County was full of
> wild deviations from the statistical norms established both by this and
> preceding elections. And he adds: "There is simply no way that electronic
> vote counting can produce two sets of results without someone using
> computer programmes in ways that were not intended. In other words, the
> fact that two sets of results were reported is sufficient evidence in and
> of itself that the vote tabulation process was compromised." Although talk
> of voting fraud quickly subsided, Alabama has now amended its election
> laws to make recounts mandatory in close races.
> The possibility of flaws in the electoral process is not something that
> gets discussed much in the United States. The attitude seems to be: we are
> the greatest democracy in the world, so the system must be fair. That has
> certainly been the prevailing view in Georgia, where even leading
> Democrats - their prestige on the line for introducing touchscreen voting
> in the first place - have fought tooth-and-nail to defend the integrity of
> the system. In a phone interview, the head of the Georgia Technology
> Authority who brought Diebold machines to the state, Larry Singer, blamed
> the growing chorus of criticism on "fear of technology", despite the fact
> that many prominent critics are themselves computer scientists. He says:
> "Are these machines flawless? No. Would you have more confidence if they
> were completely flawless? Yes. Is there such a thing as a flawless system?
> No." Mr Singer, who left the GTA straight after the election and took a 50
> per cent pay cut to work for Sun Microsystems, insists that voters are
> more likely to have their credit card information stolen by a busboy in a
> restaurant than to have their vote compromised by touchscreen technology.
> Voting machines are sold in the United States in much the same way as
> other government contracts: through intensive lobbying, wining and dining.
> At a recent national conference of clerks, election officials and
> treasurers in Denver, attendees were treated to black-tie dinners and
> other perks, including free expensive briefcases stamped with Sequoia's
> company logo alongside the association's own symbol. Nobody in power seems
> to find this worrying, any more than they worried when Sequoia's southern
> regional sales manager, Phil Foster, was indicted in Louisiana a couple of
> years ago for "conspiracy to commit money laundering and malfeasance". The
> charges were dropped in exchange for his testimony against Louisiana's
> state commissioner of elections. Similarly, last year, the Arkansas
> secretary of state, Bill McCuen, pleaded guilty to taking bribes and
> kickbacks involving a precursor company to ES&S; the voting machine
> company executive who testified against him in exchange for immunity is
> now an ES&S vice-president.
> If much of the worry about vote-tampering is directed at the Republicans,
> it is largely because the big three touchscreen companies are all big
> Republican donors, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into party
> coffers in the past few years. The ownership issue is, of course,
> compounded by the lack of transparency. Or, as Dr Mercuri puts it: "If the
> machines were independently verifiable, who would give a crap who owns
> them?" As it is, fears that US democracy is being hijacked by corporate
> interests are being fuelled by links between the big three and broader
> business interests, as well as extremist organisations. Two of the early
> backers of American Information Systems, a company later merged into ES&S,
> are also prominent supporters of the Chalcedon Foundation, an organisation
> that espouses theocratic governance according to a literal reading of the
> Bible and advocates capital punishment for blasphemy and homosexuality.
> The chief executive of American Information Systems in the early Nineties
> was Chuck Hagel, who went on to run for elective office and became the
> first Republican in 24 years to be elected to the Senate from Nebraska,
> cheered on by the Omaha World-Herald newspaper which also happens to be a
> big investor in ES&S. In yet another clamorous conflict of interest, 80
> per cent of Mr Hagel's winning votes - both in 1996 and again in 2002 -
> were counted, under the usual terms of confidentiality, by his own
> company.
> In theory, the federal government should be monitoring the transition to
> computer technology and rooting out abuses. Under the Help America Vote
> Act, the Bush administration is supposed to establish a sizeable oversight
> committee, headed by two Democrats and two Republicans, as well as a
> technical panel to determine standards for new voting machinery. The four
> commission heads were supposed to have been in place by last February, but
> so far just one has been appointed. The technical panel also remains
> unconstituted, even though the new machines it is supposed to vet are
> already being sold in large quantities - a state of affairs Dr Mercuri
> denounces as "an abomination".
> One of the conditions states have to fulfil to receive federal funding for
> the new voting machines, meanwhile, is a consolidation of voter rolls at
> state rather than county level. This provision sends a chill down the
> spine of anyone who has studied how Florida consolidated its own voter
> rolls just before the 2000 election, purging the names of tens of
> thousands of eligible voters, most of them African Americans and most of
> them Democrats, through misuse of an erroneous list of convicted felons
> commissioned by Katherine Harris, the secretary of state doubling as
> George Bush's Florida campaign manager. Despite a volley of lawsuits, the
> incorrect list was still in operation in last November's mid-terms,
> raising all sorts of questions about what other states might now do with
> their own voter rolls. It is not that the Act's consolidation provision is
> in itself evidence of a conspiracy to throw elections, but it does leave
> open that possibility.
> Meanwhile, the administration has been pushing new voting technology of
> its own to help overseas citizens and military personnel, both natural
> Republican Party constituencies, to vote more easily over the internet.
> Internet voting is notoriously insecure and open to abuse by just about
> anyone with rudimentary hacking skills; just last January, an experiment
> in internet voting in Toronto was scuppered by a Slammer worm attack.
> Undeterred, the administration has gone ahead with its so-called SERVE
> project for overseas voting, via a private consortium made up of major
> defence contractors and a Saudi investment group. The contract for
> overseeing internet voting in the 2004 presidential election was recently
> awarded to Accenture, formerly part of the Arthur Andersen group (whose
> accountancy branch, a major campaign contributor to President Bush,
> imploded as a result of the Enron bankruptcy scandal).
> Not everyone in the United States has fallen under the spell of the big
> computer voting companies, and there are signs of growing wariness. Oregon
> decided even before HAVA to conduct all its voting by mail. Wisconsin has
> decided it wants nothing to do with touchscreen machines without a
> verifiable paper trail, and New York is considering a similar injunction,
> at least for its state assembly races. In California, a Stanford computer
> science professor called David Dill is screaming from the rooftops on the
> need for a paper trail in his state, so far without result. And a New
> Jersey Congressman called Rush Holt has introduced a bill in the House of
> Representatives, the Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act,
> asking for much the same thing. Not everyone is heeding the warnings,
> though. In Ohio, publication of the letter from Diebold's chief executive
> promising to deliver the state to President Bush in 2004 has not deterred
> the secretary of state - a Republican - from putting Diebold on a list of
> preferred voting-machine vendors. Similarly, in Maryland, officials have
> not taken the recent state-sponsored study identifying hundreds of flaws
> in the Diebold software as any reason to change their plans to use Diebold
> machines in March's presidential primary.
> The question is whether the country will come to its senses before
> elections start getting distorted or tampered with on such a scale that
> the system becomes unmanageable. The sheer volume of money offered under
> HAVA is unlikely to be forthcoming again in a hurry, so if things aren't
> done right now it is doubtful the system can be fixed again for a long
> time. "This is frightening, really frightening," says Dr Mercuri, and a
> growing number of reasonable people are starting to agree with her. One
> such is John Zogby, arguably the most reliable pollster in the United
> States, who has freely admitted he "blew" last November's elections and
> does not exclude the possibility that foul play was one of the factors
> knocking his calculations off course. "We're ploughing into a brave new
> world here," he says, "where there are so many variables aside from
> out-and-out corruption that can change elections, especially in situations
> where the races are close. We have machines that break down, or are
> tampered with, or are simply misunderstood. It's a cause for great
> concern."
> Roxanne Jekot, who has put much of her professional and personal life on
> hold to work on the issue full time, puts it even more strongly.
> "Corporate America is very close to running this country. The only thing
> that is stopping them from taking total control are the pesky voters.
> That's why there's such a drive to control the vote. What we're seeing is
> the corporatisation of the last shred of democracy.
> "I feel that unless we stop it here and stop it now," she says, "my kids
> won't grow up to have a right to vote at all."

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