NYT Editorial, today Wed Oct 15, 2003:

Fighting the War at Home


Letters home from the war front are some of the revered aspects of history, a treasury of soldiers' impressions and firsthand narratives that hold a value apart from the individual lives put firmly on the battle line. It's all the more disturbing, then, that an apparently orchestrated campaign of letter writing has arisen among some of the American forces in Iraq to highlight what are alleged to be overlooked success stories. What amounts to a warmly worded form letter telling of open-armed welcomes and rebuilt infrastructure was printed by hometown newspapers in the mistaken belief that it was the individual composition of the undersigned soldier in Kirkuk, a relatively peaceful city in Iraq. According to the Gannett News Service, which uncovered the deception, one soldier said his sergeant had distributed the letters to the squad, while another traced his to an Army public affairs officer.


The susceptibility of local editors to the letter, in which each Private Everyman describes Iraqi children "in their broken English shouting, `Thank you, Mister,' " is understandable. But the misleading letter, uncovered by Gannett after it was published in 11 newspapers, coincides with the Bush administration's renewed program of defending the war in an ambitious speaking campaign across the nation. With polls registering rising public doubts, the president and his aides are claiming that the news media unfairly play up negative developments and ignore progress in Iraq.


The Pentagon denies that there is any sanctioned propaganda drive behind the five-paragraph letter, but one soldier told of speaking to a public affairs officer about what he thought would be a news release, then being surprised to hear he was being presented as a letter writer whose words had been published in a newspaper back home.


Firm endorsements of the letter's description of the situation in Kirkuk have since been re-registered by most of the soldiers who were supposed to have written letters, but that matters little to anyone who ever marched in the military command system. The Pentagon should nip the form-letter barrage and make sure it is not repeated, if only because it is so counterproductive. Fakery is the worst possible way to answer the public's rising demand for information about the true state of affairs in Iraq.


Thomas wrote: All very well as an apology.  Now if I could just reconcile the coincidence of Bush starting a media campaign to say how great the boys are doing and these 5000 letters from the leader of an 800 man battalion - I might accept the "done in good faith," explanation. 

KWC wrote: Yin and Yang. Id like to forward you the follow-up on the form letters from soldiers in Iraq story.  

Officer was the one behind 500 letters
By Ledyard King, Gannett News Service @ http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/iraq/2003-10-14-letters-usat_x.htm

WASHINGTON  An Army battalion commander has taken responsibility for a public-relations campaign that sent hundreds of identical letters to hometown newspapers promoting his soldiers rebuilding efforts in Iraq.  Lt. Col. Dominic Caraccilo said he wanted to highlight his unit's work and "share that pride with people back home."

Army officials revealed Tuesday that 500 identical form letters were sent to newspapers across the country with different signatures. They said the mass mailing was the wrong way of getting the message out, but they didn't know whether the commander would be disciplined.  "It sounded like a good idea at their level, (but) it's just not the way to do business. They're not going to do that again," said Lt. Col. Bill MacDonald, a spokesman for the 4th Infantry Division, which is leading operations in north-central Iraq.

Caraccilo heads the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment, a paratroop unit normally based in Italy with roughly 800 soldiers. The battalion has spent the past few months in the north-central Iraq city of Kirkuk restoring basic services.  Amid the daily headlines of bloodshed and unrest in Iraq, Caraccilo wanted to draw attention to the work of his troops by mailing a form letter to soldiers' hometowns.

"The quality of life and security for the citizens has been largely restored, and we are a large part of why that has happened," reads the five-paragraph, typed letter sent in late summer.  

MacDonald said no one was forced to sign the letter, though most did. At least one soldier contacted by Gannett News Service said he never signed the letter that appeared in his hometown newspaper in Charleston, W.Va. Several parents also said they knew their sons had not written the letters that appeared in local newspapers. The letter appeared in at least a dozen newspapers, according to a Gannett News Service search.

Caraccilo said he meant no harm. "The letter was purely an effort made by soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry to afford our soldiers an opportunity to let their respective hometowns know what they are accomplishing here in Kirkuk," he wrote in an e-mail to the 4th Infantry Division public affairs office. Attempts to reach Caraccilo directly were unsuccessful.

"As you might expect, they are working at an extremely fast pace, and getting the good news back home is not always easy," he continued in the e-mail. "We thought it would be a good idea to encapsulate what we as a battalion have accomplished since arriving in Iraq and share that pride with people back home."

Military officials said they were unaware of any plans to discipline Caraccilo. They said his intentions were honorable.

News of the letter-writing campaign emerged over the weekend as President Bush and other administration officials were conducting their own campaign to emphasize successes in Iraq. Polls have shown American public opinion on the mission souring.  White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Tuesday that he didn't have details of the letter-writing campaign and referred questions to military commanders.

"The intention was good, but the delivery system was probably not a good way to do it, because of misperceptions that could be taken," MacDonald said. "You don't want anybody out there saying I never saw that letter."
Contributing: Judy Keen

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