An interesting article in today's New York Times summarises a paper in the current issue of The Journal of Human Evolution concerning discoveries of stone tools in Ethiopia which are so small and simple that they were probably among the first 'generation' to be made by man's ancestors and useful only for cutting meat away from bone. These sorts of bones had been found previously in a site not far away but the more recent specimens were found alongside scraped animal bones and were thus more specifically datable -- to about 2.6 million years ago.

While this discovery probably dates our predecessor's discovery of tools fairly accurately for the first time it doesn't solve further questions that are asked about our ancestry. What came first: A larger brain that enabled tool-making? or  tool-making which encouraged meat-eating, with the consequence of a richer diet necessary for brain development?

In my view, the answer is the first because the chimpanzee (which had broken off from our predecessors' evolutionary line 3 million years previously) also became a meat eater quite independently in the rain forest without developing a significantly larger brain (that is, frontal lobes). Nor did our predecessors need a larger brain for the purpose of meat-eating when we were forced into the savannah by a cooler climate. If anything, hunting small grazing animals would have been easier for our ancestors than the chimps' problem of catching monkeys or pigs in the forest. Initially, grazing animals would have had no fear of the new bipedal species that appeared among them.

But our ancestors would have been exposed to considerable danger from predators in the savannah so the really selective pressure would have been on the enlargement of the frontal lobes in order to be able to think of strategies of defence rather than immediate panic. It is this control of emotions which is one of the prime attributes of our frontal lobes. However, it is likely that this extra capacity gave a chance for the discovery of the making of stone tools -- something which the chimps never arrived at. Furthermore, once scraping tools had been invented then our predecessors could quickly dismember an animal and carry relatively small portions away instead of whole bodies. This would have been of considerable survival advantage -- compared with, say, tigers, leopards or baboons who have to struggle when carrying a prey away from the site of slaughter to a safer place for consumption.

Another consideration is that all innovation requires a lot of concentrated thought and this, in turn, requires time. Our predecessors would not have had time enough during the day to think about anything if they were predominantly a vegetarian. Meat-eating concentrates the value of food about tenfold and allows free-time in which the frontal lobes could be given scope to maximise their selection advantage, however slight it was initially.

We have about 12,000 genes responsible for brain development in common with the chimps. Allowing for body mass, our rear cortex is very similar in size to that of the chimanzee and probably not a great deal different in its abilities (mainly the processing of our perceptions). But we have an additional 90-odd brain genes and it is probably these, and these only, which are mainly responsible for our frontal lobes, giving us that extra degree of curiosity, of emotional control, of creativity (e.g.of embellishing our bodies with ornaments and colourings which enhanced our status), which made all the difference between merely surviving as just another hunter-gatherer species 100,000 years ago, and actually initiating the trading of materials with neighbouring groups and so starting the economic system we have today. Our modern high-tech society is an amazing result for such an apparently small initial investment by no more than a few dozen genes!

Keith Hudson 


John Noble Wilford

On a hillside in the badlands of Ethiopia, an ancestral home of the human family, an international team of scientists has uncovered the earliest known stone tools to be found mixed with fragments of fossilized animal bones. The scientists think the material, almost 2.6 million years old, is the strongest evidence yet that the primal technology was used to butcher animal carcasses for meat and marrow.

The discovery could go a long way toward resolving a debate in paleoanthropology which came first, a significant advance in the brain that enabled human ancestors to make tools, or the toolmaking ability that led to an enriched diet and then an evolutionary change in the brain?

"I believe the use of stone tools came first and the larger brain came later with a more substantial meat diet," Dr. Sileshi Semaw, the leader of the discovery team, said last week by telephone.

The findings are described in the current issue of The Journal of Human Evolution. Dr. Semaw, principal author of the report, is a paleoanthropologist who is a research associate at the Center for Research Into the Anthropological Foundations of Technology at Indiana University.

The age of the stone tools was no surprise, the researchers said. Working in the same region a decade ago, Dr. Semaw found similar cobbles flaked for use in scraping and cutting at sites of about the same age. The cobbles were hailed as the earliest known artifacts created by distant human relatives, known as hominids.

Nor was it startling to find animal bones with cut marks, presumably made by the sharp edges of butchering tools. Similar fossilized bones with stone-tool cut marks had been excavated at a site 50 miles away, but without any associated artifacts. Never before, the researchers said, had stone artifacts and animal bones been found together at a single site from this early time in human evolution.

In the journal report, Dr. Semaw's group said the discovery near the bank of a branch of the Gona River, in the Afar region of Ethiopia, had provided "the oldest known archaeologically documented associations between artifacts and broken faunal elements," or animal bones.

Another member of the team, Dr. Michael J. Rogers of Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, said in an interview that the stone tools and the animal bones, probably from ancestors of wildebeests and zebras, had been unquestionably associated with each other.

"What's important," Dr. Rogers said, "is that this suggests that early stone-tool use was responsible for much of the expansion of hominid diet from mostly plants to more meat and marrow."

Dr. Rogers, a paleoanthropologist, came upon the most revealing site three years ago while searching the arid hills for fossils or artifacts. Several sharp flakes of rock caught his eye. They were no more than an inch or two long, he said, and they were different from any other rock on the surface. They looked as if they had recently eroded out of the hill.

"We got a little bit excited," Dr. Rogers said, and soon he and colleagues began excavating and uncovered some of the cobbles from which the flakes had been broken. Then they began finding bones, including rib and limb fragments. At another site a few yards away, discovered by Dr. Jay Quade of the University of Arizona, the excavators found several bones with distinct cut marks.

The quality of the tool workmanship impressed the researchers. "The flakes are amazingly well struck and look much the same as tools made a million years later," Dr. Rogers said.

No hominid fossil bones have been found at the sites, so it is impossible to tell who the toolmakers were. The researchers said that they were probably members of the 2.5-million-year-old species named Australopithecus garhi, which lived in Ethiopia and was identified in 1999 by Dr. Tim D. White of the University of California at Berkeley.

Dr. White said the new research provided more evidence that "a dietary and technological threshold had been crossed" by 2.6 million years ago
New York Times -- 21 October 2003

Keith Hudson, Bath, England, <>, <>, <>

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