
You said:

"The free trade/market is characterized by the lack of (or
bypassing of) regulations (from gov't) and of ethical
considerations, and by treating humans as commodities.  All these
criteria are met in the trade described in the forwarded article,
so it does have a lot to do with free trade/market.  (Note that
it's a trade _with_, not _by_prostitutes.)"

Free trade is simply the breaking down the barriers between
people -- and between peoples. The restrictions that stop people
from cooperating are removed for everybody's benefit.

Unfortunately, you been swallowing this propaganda about free
trade and the free market for far too long. Left-wingers who love
the control of the economy by the government (which is what we
have now) are opposed to people having freedom. So, anything
that's bad they call free trade.

That doesn't make it so. I'll try once again.

Free trade means dropping tariffs, quotas, anti-dumping measures,
and the rest. It allows people freely to exchange their goods and
services for the benefit of all.

It has nothing to do with the coercion of human beings, so your
suggestions are nonsense -- something that is not unusual in your
rants about the free market. When I talk about free trade, I mean
what is said in the paragraph above.

Protection is the opposite of free trade. It is the granting of
privileges to certain groups of people, or corporations, or
political cronies. Protection allows them to get rich at the
expense of the consumer, which is everyone of us.

I cannot understand your support of privilege, but apparently
that is what you do.


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