
You really are more amusing all the time. You get all worked up
about the chicken farmer Mohammed Hussein, yet you would not
countenance, I suspect, US Steel making the same complaint about
foreign imports.

You quote Hussein:

>   He says that today it costs about a
>   thousand dollars to produce a ton of chicken meat in Iraq,
>   frozen imported chicken from overseas can be had for only

I know you are affronted by millions of Iraqis getting chicken
half price. All they will do with it is eat it, when they should
really be eating brocolli.

You have a choice. You can support the obscene profits of
Hussein, or you can applaud the action of importers in providing
cheaper chicken meals for Iraqis.

But then, you have already chosen the obscene profits.



>Harry Pollard:
><<Real people love the free market, and so they should.>>
>Der Spiegel:
><<All of this affects chicken farmer Mohammed Hussein. In March,
the 39-
>   year-old still employed a work force of about 70 people. Now
>   four men pass the time of day in his shut-down
slaughterhouse, where
>   hundreds of thousands of chickens were once processed.
Hussein says
>   he has nothing against the market economy, but that he cannot
hope to
>   compete against foreigners. He says that today it costs about
>   thousand dollars to produce a ton of chicken meat in Iraq,
>   frozen imported chicken from overseas can be had for only
$480. "I
>   always believed that the only victims in this business were
>   chickens," complains the poultry baron, "but now it's my turn
to be
>   slaughtered.">>
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