It comes from my having two separate (and disparate) periods of university education 20 years apart, attempting to understand what was different with the system; watching students learn the "system of testing" so they could study for the test and not wholly absorb the material, never contesting why they were being taught things that were in opposition to a living, caring world.
Refer to "Dumbing Us Down" below, which clarified the above for me.
----- Original Message -----
From: Ed Weick
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 12:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

Any authoritarian government or ruling body automatically attempts to corrupt learning; to sway or brainwash the populace to their desired ends of control. Ray has often bemoaned the lack of the Arts in the N.A. school system (with which I concur) and , as Harry pointed out through "Gatto" (thank you Harry), the desire of the school system is to create a society of worker bees who do exactly as they are told and (I will add) through the aspect of "team sports" will learn the idea of "nationalist fervour" to the point of dying when you are told (war). It is far easier to control an ignorant populace than an intelligent one. NOTE: I did not say educated as "intelligence" and "education" do not appear compatible in today's lexicon.
See below.
I really don't know where this comes from.  I've met and talked with social scientists who were educated in the Soviet Union and have an enormous respect for both their intelligence and their level of education. 
I too have enormous respect for my intelligence. Anyone who has a post-secondary education does, but I tend to attribute my own intelligence to curiosity and a desire to know why certain things are as they are or how they came to be and how they might be made better without altering that which the Creator gave us--rather than giving the credit to the system.
As for our own education system, it may have suffered from cut backs and may not be as good as it could be, but it still produces some outstanding thinkers
There will always be a few, but could there be more? And what direction are those few "outstanding thinkers" taking?
As for education, please note the following from a prior posting.
-----Original Message-----
From: Harry Pollard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 2:01 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Keith Hudson; Ed Weick; Cordell, Arthur: ECOM
Subject: RE: This sceptred compost heap (was Re: [Futurework] Education

Keith, Ed, Lawry, et al,

As I've mentioned, kids who come through my High School Seniors economic
Courses have overwhelmingly never spoken to an audience, have rarely
written a reasonably literate essay, can't count. Here are Gatto's thoughts

> Owen Wood, CBC News Online | March 2002
> "An education largely comes from inside out.  No  one  gives
> you one. You make one. Schooling is  just  the  reverse."  -
> John Taylor Gatto
> John Taylor Gatto says schools are "incubators of  disease."
> He says they are hideous, horrible places that  destroy  the
> mentality  and  the  character  of  students,  leaving  them
> crippled and incomplete.
> He's not anti-education, he's anti-school. <<<<<<<
> Gatto taught in the  public  schools  of  Manhattan  for  30
> years. He was named New York state teacher of the year,  and
> New York City teacher  of  the  year  three  times.  He  has
> written four books on  education  and  has  spent  the  last
> decade travelling across the United States, Canada and other
> countries to speak about education reform.
> In his first book, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of
> Compulsory Schooling, Gatto outlines why schools are bad for
> our kids. He says schools teach confusion,  class  position,
> indifference, emotional dependency, intellectual dependency,
> and provisional self-esteem.

> Schools, he argues, do  not  teach  children  to  think  for
> themselves. They don't permit students  to  mix  with  older
> people, from whom they could  learn  so  much
.  In  schools,
> children are under constant surveillance and  they  are  not
> taught to become self-educators. "The truth," he writes, "is
> that schools don't really teach anything except how to  obey
> orders."
> A 10th-anniversary edition of Dumbing Us Down  came  out  in
> April 2002. You can  also  read  Gatto's  latest  book,  The
> Underground History Of American Education, on his Web  site:
> www.johntaylorgatto.com

I've also known a few people who were very good athletes while in school but who exhibited very little "nationalist fervour" after they graduated.  Perhaps you are thinking of Nazi Germany?
                                             Or Russian Olympians, or British or European football matches, or any of the current                                                     Olympic drug abusers; not that any would ever come from the U.S. unless we are talking of                                             the NFL.

Ed Weick
For further clarification, please read on.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 1:37 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

Well Arthur, maybe you are correct; considering the proclivity of the Bush admin. to produce "mini-nukes" for their agenda. As Lawrence has stated below, the extremists (those who would do well to be genetically altered) will bring on another world war.
                                                                                        Is this too sarcastic, because the ideas are already out there                                                                                         and being worked on.
The current trend toward "terrorism" is the outcome of interference by those not wanted. Any peoples deserve the right to manage their own problems; to revolt, should they be so inclined.
But, how can a people manage their problems if they do not have the education to give them the insight and the nurtured intelligence to comprehend the rising of a problem before it is out of hand?
                                                                                                                    Nurturing begins in the home and can only
                                                                                                                    be added to by the schools. The poor                                                                                                                         who are struggling to stay alive rarely                                                                                                                             have time to nurture either intelligence                                                                                                                         or education.
Any authoritarian government or ruling body
                 I include the U.S. and Canadian governments as becoming more authoritarian.
automatically attempts to corrupt learning; to sway or brainwash the populace to their desired ends of control.
                                Perhaps the words: "to direct the learning process toward a more productive society" are less                                         offensive. Unfortunately, it means the same in the long run.
Ray has often bemoaned the lack of the Arts in the N.A. school system (with which I concur) and , as Harry pointed out through "Gatto" (thank you Harry), the desire of the school system is to create a society of worker bees who do exactly as they are told and (I will add) through the aspect of "team sports" will learn the idea of "nationalist fervour" to the point of dying when you are told (war).
                                                                                        TEAM sports, not athletics. In high school I was both an "athlete" (track and field) and involved in "team sports". As an athlete, I competed against myself, my limitations; as a member of a team I did as the coach told me. The "team", the battalion, the unit, or the country; it is all the same. Support the guy next to you, without question. He has his job, you have yours. The coach, or Commander-in-Chief knows what he is doing so just follow orders. Any questioning will place you on the bench or be considered treason.
Add to this the "fans" or, as another post stated "fanatics". The perpetuation of aggressive behavior that feeds the aggression of a suppressed population but channels that aggression toward the opposing team and their fans rather than toward those who would misrepresent them. Thus another form of control
The "team" is now being used in the workplace. Be a member of the "team", do not question the authority of the "boss". Do not ask for a raise because you have experience and expertise, you are a member of a team. Do not seek a livable wage (gee, would this be Futurework? ooops; sarcasm again) which minimum wage is not, because you will be taking money from the boss and his/her board-of-directors, or the stockholders because without them you won't have a job. Oh, wait, without the worker there will be no business. Hmmm! Quandary! I know, let's increase the economic slave base; keep them fighting one another for jobs, then they'll never be able to get above minimum wage so that the top of the pyramid can get RICHER. Ahhh! the American dream!    OR, we can send all those jobs over-seas. Ahhh! the American dream!
It is far easier to control an ignorant populace than an intelligent one.
Considering intelligence, how many intelligent post-secondary graduates are found in the armed forces front lines, slogging through the mud and crap? How many are sales clerks or cashiers, cleaners or other service oriented jobs  (which, by the way, make up the majority of jobs in the western hemisphere)? Most people of intelligence will not be interested in these jobs which pay only minimum wage or in placing their lives at risk on the front lines of battle. But a poor and ignorant populace with nothing else to lose, has no choice in either respect.
NOTE: I did not say educated as "intelligence" and "education" do not appear compatible in today's lexicon.
This is public schooling; up to and including grade 12; the basis of those above mentioned jobs; the base of the pyramid that supports others in the lives they have become so accustomed to that they may be blinded as to what is now occurring as well as many of the basic university degree holders.
How many in the middle ages felt they were living in a dark age? It may have depended upon which end of the sword was in their direction if they even thought of it at all.
Have you forgotten the Patriot Act(s)? Does this relate to a suppressed and misrepresented  populace that could have recalled their elected officials and saved their constitution? And could this all be related to keeping the populace ignorant of the facts with very few of the populace showing the intelligence to question their leaders, coaches, commanders? Bush - 1, Constitution - 0.  
Those individuals with whom I have met here in Esquimalt who are enlisting in the Navy have only high school (or a couple of years in a trade school) -- all workers at the lowest pay scale and who, under the present Canadian administration, have no future but economic slavery at minimum wage IF they can find a job. These are not well educated people. For whatever reasons, they have had problems with the present school system.They are only worker bees awaiting instruction from the Queen (uh-oh, did I get into Royalty again?).
Their lives in the military will be no better but, once again, they do not have the education or nurtured intelligence to realize this.
For some unknown reason (ego, ignorance?), those who have clutched the "power" unto themselves and their families throughout the generations, I feel, fully believe they will survive any true holocaust or "ARMAGEDDON" if they stay out of the general front line action and hide in the safety of their bunkers. And it is these genetically corrupted humans (if I can make this jump from the recent homosexual prattle) that will create the problems as would appear to be the case throughout history. Or, conversely, they could simply be "nurtured" in this direction by their private schooling, or religious teachings, or... (feel free to fill in the blank).
And where is the Canadian side regarding the sell-out and corruption of our country as we are being poured down the tubes of greed?
How about in Canada? Sell off all our natural resources, sell off control of our energy; U.S. - 2, Canada - 0.
Uh-oh, does this bespeak control?  Well, I guess most Canadians are suppressed and being cheated of their intelligence too.
If there are any other clarifications I can make, drop a line.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 7:51 AM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

In my more gloomy moments it seems that the  Biblical prohecies seem to  be unfolding inexorably.  Armageddon. ...

-----Original Message-----
From: Lawrence DeBivort [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2003 5:15 PM
Subject: RE: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

US policy is being used for a narrow set of interests: the Christian evangelicals seem determined to create a clash of religions -- Christianity vs Islam.  Oddly, a branch of them, the Christian-Zionists, have added to the portfolio an Israel-first agenda. Given the Christian-Zionist belief that all non-Christians will be destroyed, it seems strange that some elements in Israel have embraced an alliance with these Christian-Zionists, but then the Israelis probably don't think that God has that in store for them, so don't much care for the beliefs and values that lie behind Christian-Zionism, happy to settle for the political support the Christian-Zionists offer Israel.
In case any of you missed it, by Christian-Zionist I am referring to people like Tom DeLay -- see the very interesting speech he gave to the Israeli Knesset recently.
Right now, the Christian evangelical and Christian-Zionist agenda is powerfully placed within the Administration: Rove, DeLay, Feith, Perle, Bolton, Reed...et al.  US policy toward the rest of the world generally and the Arabs and Muslims specifically has been hijacked by these folks, and is now working against the interests of the country. Sometimes these US policies are justified by the 'war on terrorism' -- one of the inventions of the Christian evangelicals -- but the sad fact is that the 'war on terrorism' is actually aggravating the terror threat, not diminishing it. This is a pedantic way of saying that Americans will die thanks to these Christian evangelicals.
As the rest of the world reacts to what they see as a US out of control, we will see a broadband resistance to the US take shape. Not only will there be further terror attacks on US interests, but trade relations will suffer, and cultural ones. I don't know if you ever had a desire to take your art overseas, but the chances of that happening have taken a nose-dive in the last two years.  Then, also, we have the trillions of dollars that this 'war on terror is costing us, or rather costing future generations. And the impact on US civil liberties, e.g. the 'sneak and peek' and unlimited uncharged detention policies pushed by Ashcroft and the President.
The Christian evangelicals simply do not care about these costs to the US and our interests: they give their religious goals precedence over US interests.
The American public is gullible. How many Americans have ever traveled to the Muslim or Arab worlds (other than in a tank)? How many Americans even know Arabs or Muslims who live in this country, as their neighbors?  Hell, how many people even on this list???
Americans are patriotic. Combined with their gullibility, this leaves them open to being exploited, to being conned into giving their support, if only a passive support, for policies that would readily appear inimical to a populace that was more knowledgeable, thoughtful, and skeptical.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Ray Evans Harrell
Sent: Sun, November 02, 2003 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Riots in Riyadh?

While the gullibility of Americans is saddening, the pernicious behavior of those who are willing to exploit this gullibility is nothing short of criminal.

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