I consider this the one most important we are facing in this country today;
of course every country that holds elections will be facing the same issue
sooner or later.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 12:05 AM
Subject: Electronic Voting Machine Action

> Commentary by Jim Borrell, sent via email:
> This is the action many of us have been waiting for regarding the 2004
> Electronic Voting Machines.
> Rep. Rush Holt , New Jersey (D), has introduced a bill (HR 2239) called
> "The Voter Confidence and Increased Acceptability Act" which would require
> all such machines to provide a paper audit trail and thus give some
> assurance against fraud.  Currently he has sixty cosponsors for this bill,
> with not a single one being a Republican.  The Republican leadership
> opposes this legislation with a vengeance and is blocking efforts to bring
> it to the floor where it can see the light of day and be voted on.  We can
> only guess why.
> If you have been keeping up with this issue of electronic vote fraud
> through the many e-mails going around, you know how big it is.  It will
> make no difference how good any Democratic candidate is if the GOP
> political operatives rig the results a la Florida and Georgia.  As Josef
> Stalin said, "It's not who does the voting, it's who does the counting."
> I suggest two simple steps to take.
> 1) Go to the volunteer page at the activist site www.verifiedvoting.org.
> Sign up and follow the suggestions listed under What To Do.  You can log
> onto that page directly at:
>  2) Let's lobby Moveon.org to make support of this bill a major grass
> roots compaign just as they did so successfully with the FCC regulations
> vote.  This requires going to the Issue Forum at Moveon.org, filling out
> the questionnaire and adding your own comments.  It's the first one at the
> top of the page.  The direct link is:
>     http://www.actionforum.com/forum/?forum_id=222
> If you would like to hear an excellent radio interview with Rep. Holt
> outlining the details of his bill, log on to Democracy Now at:
> http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=03/10/30/1624227
> Other highly informative articles can be found at:
> http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=452972
> http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,60563,00.html
> http://www.truthout.org/docs_03/102503C.shtml
> For general ongoing information and action I highly recommend
> www.verifiedvoting.org.  Their Home page is loaded with stuff and things
> to do.
> But at the very least I urge you to take the two steps listed above.
> Spread it out over a couple of days if you have to, but get it done and
> pass it on to your friends.  I know we are exhausted and overwhelmed a lot
> of the time by the sheer weight of this juggernaut bearing down on us, but
> I believe this is part of their strategy and I personally refuse to let
> them get away with it as long as I can move my fingers and open my mouth
> to talk.  We're too smart to be snookered like this again.  So, come on,
> get your wits together, folks, get on the web and kick some ass.

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