Well said,  Thanks,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 7:32 PM
Subject: [Futurework] Jessica Lynch -- American Dreamer

I don't know if any of you caught the Diane Sawyer interview with Jessica Lynch. Her honesty prevailed despite the overt manipulation on the part of Sawyer and Uncle Sam.
Her story is one which in many ways mirrors the misled ego-mind of the typical American soldier; astonishingly sad and very telling of the purpose the U.S. military currently serves. The purpose today is vastly different from wars of even a decade ago. The function of defending or overtaking the ever-escalating wealth of a few is evidenced by the dramatic increment in Defense spending. Internationally, its presence is supposed to symbolize democratic liberty
Jessica is portrayed as a very naive young woman who had never even set foot in a mall till her late teens, raised in an isolated rural community ironically named Palestine. Her chances of finding a job were negligible as a highschool dropout, and the $1100/mth offered by Uncle Sam was her best chance of seeing the world while performing an honour and duty for her country. She was proud of her job, as was her brother who had also been recruited. She had but brief training when orders came for her to ship out to Iraq.
Upon her arrival, the supply convoy for which she was driving truck experienced chronic halts due to stormy desert conditions, and a relatively easy ambush of the troops transpired, their defense weapons rendered useless by the pervasive sand. Jessica later became sole survivor of what she still considers an uncalled for attack, during which she was originally reported to have fought bravely, firing at every Iraqi in sight, while in fact she had dropped to her knees to pray to God for her life. (After the truth was revealed by Jessica herself, the propaganda department felt it best not to diminish her contributions by relating the real account.) She passed out from sustained fractures to limbs and spine, to which she awakened most painfully in an Iraqi hospital. She pleaded with the staff not to hurt her, and refused to ingest food that was not pre-packaged and opened in her presence, dropping to an alleged 70 lbs.during her stay. It should have been apparent that the staff was trying to help her, yet this sick frightened child had heard such awful tales of these foreigners, so she persisted with a vigilance that would have been sure death had she not been rescued by Uncle Sam.
Today, Jessica is learning how to walk again, and may be permanently in pain and handicapped. She still considers herself a proud soldier. Despite the agony of knowing that their daughter had been injured and captured, her parents still support the "war" on terrorism, or Saddam, or whatever they think the real reason for the invasion was.
Odd that Uncle Sam seeks to recruit such naive youngsters to allegedly win a war. Peculiar that given the conditions of "Desert Storm" no one in the military remembered that sand and vehicles don't get along, and that weapons used in ground efforts would get all clogged up from dust. No one thought to issue them appropriate plastic bags for their personal guns. The urgency to strike revenge upon Iraq was so pressing that they couldn't wait for better weather either. Are the military incredibly incompetent, or did things unfold in this way to burn up more military dollars to ensure future purchases in military supply companies that Bush & Co own or in which they have investments? Another $401 billion has just been approved by a spineless Congress (who dare not ask where the missing 3.3 trillion have gone) for Defense spending, most to go towards new aircraft. Oh, I think I recall that at the very least, the Bush family has a sizable investment in aircraft companies too. Bush has guts enough to ensure a handsome retirement gift in the face of an imminent demise, yet is too spineless to attend a single soldier's funeral, like previous Presidents have done.
Jessica had no clue as to what war was about, and still doesn't. The military pumped her full of military pride, and led her to believe that the U.S. was just and invincible. The Press, her parents, peers or teachers taught her that Iraqis were barbaric, and that she must judge them all by the same book that lent support to the President's insane decisions.
Soon America will be drafting new soldiers, no doubt with the same savvy that resulted in Lynch's hiring. Recruiting officers  working on the bonus system have been known to sign up serious criminals and drug addicts, in one incident I watched some years back by tipping them off on an effective natural blood cleanser called Golden Seal so they could pass the blood test. Commanding officers know full well the calibre of their fresh cannon fodder. Modern day wars are not fought on the ground, but once the aerial attacks are sufficiently effective, the ground troops move in to establish order. Most of these recruits have serious issues to start with which are compounded by military training, battle shock and stress. They are the last ones that should be in charge of keeping the peace. Unless, I guess, that peace is not the real objective anyway. In addition to a show of force and numbers, it seems to be to maintain high military spending, and as an aside, to perpetuate sympathy for the U.S. by way of casualties.
Jessica Lynch is a product of poorer U.S. education, insular community upbringing, and the U.S. army. The U.S. military is a puppet for big money, who preys upon fears of children, then ensures that nightmares become reality. It was strategically important for this young woman and her country to be informed that, despite the lack of support for the claim by her Iraqi doctor, she may have been the victim of rape when she was unconscious during the ambush. Though Jessica said she had no such recollection, the military made sure that she would have an imaginary and faceless lifelong enemy. But she is not ever likely to ask the right questions, nor to search out the truth about her role in the pursuit of wealth for a handful of criminals.
The way I perceived it,

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