Harry Pollard wrote:


I seem to remember that Kepler based his ideas on Tycho Brahe's
findings - and Tycho was wrong!

As I understand it, Tycho was wrong mainly in getting
his nose cut off (literally).

At the time, Tycho's "hybrib" cosmology was a viable
candidate -- big subject not for here....

Tycho established the first "research center" in
modern Europe: Uraniborg -- which, in itself, would be a
great accomplishment.

Kepler acquired Tycho's astronomical records -- the
documentation of the observations that had been
conducted at the "research center", which were the
best astronomical observations anyone had
ever made.

According to Hans Blumenberg, Tycho's son managed to
prevent Kepler from gaining access to Tycho's
astronomical instruments, and, in any case, Kepler
had bad eyes (poor vision).

Kepler accomplished his great astronomical
work solely by trying to find a theory
that would fit the data. (In all fairness,
I should note I once read that had Tycho's
observations been EITHER more OR less
accurate, Kepler would not have arrived at
his elliptical orbits hypothesis.)

Tycho was not wrong, any more than Ptolemy was
wrong.  From what I have read, one person who
was wronger than both of those two was GALILEO.

Why do I say this? Because Galileo claimed
more for his theories than he offered evidence
for.  And, in science ("Strenge Wissenschaften"(sp?)),
*being right* is of no more value than
winning a horse race.  What matters in
science is giving arguments in favor of one's
hypotheses (AKA claims) which any person who
takes the effort to repeat them can confirm for
him or her self.

Tycho was very right (except about his nose, and,
perhaps also, about "heeding the call of nature"
at the dinner table -- for a legend has it that
Tycho died of a urinary blockage caused by
being too polite to leave the dinner table to take a

\brad mccormick

  Let your light so shine before men,
              that they may see your good works.... (Matt 5:16)

Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thes 5:21)

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