Title: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

Of all the things that have offended my sense of being Canadian, the most - is food banks.  The second is the concept of having someone exist homeless.  The elites of this country deserve and get my disgust for their inability to do their job, which they are well paid for both in money and respect.  While the victims are blamed.


Thomas Lunde

From: "Ed Weick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman  Trade vs. Modern Trade
Date: Thu, Dec 4, 2003, 1:11 PM

So what if all the righteous middle class people stopped sending their unused canned goods to the food banks?  Well the hungry people might just vote in a government that promises radical change.   Right now everyone wins: political parties promise change and don't; middle class feels good about sending food to the food bank; working poor can supplement their foodstock by heading to the food bank.  The system may be quite stable.  Maybe there really is no wish to change.
I'm on the Board of a downtown foodbank and have spent a little time there.  The people who came to pick up food fell into several groups.  There were older men, fifty plus, who had migrated to Ottawa because there was nothing for them in the valley communities.  Their education and skills were limited, so there was nothing in Ottawa either.  There were young mothers, some with children, who gave you every impression that they didn't want to be there; they hurried in and they hurried out.  There were a number of cocky young people, some perhaps students, some living at the "Y", who acted as though they were indulging the foodbank with their presence.  None of these people acted as though they wanted to change the system.  All they wanted was the food - except for the older guys who also seemed to want to hang around and talk a little.
There's an aura of powerlessness about it.  The churches that operate the foodbank know that if they didn't do it, nobody would.  So they keep doing it and their members keep bringing the cans of tuna and the packages of pasta.  The churches might want to take an advocacy position, but that might infringe on their charitable status.  The politicians get themselves elected and their promises become mere promises, not commitments.  Most of the people who use the foodbank hate doing it, but they need to eat.  Watching it without having to depend on it, I wish it would all go away.  But it won't.  It's what the world is like and how it will stay.  Perhaps Canadians, as people who live in the developed world, should feel fortunate that they can afford foodbanks.  Ever so many parts of the world can't, and people starve.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ed Weick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, December 4, 2003 9:08 AM
To: Thomas Lunde; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

Thomas, very good posting.  Ontario has just raised the minimum wage from peanuts to peanuts.  Many of the poor are working full time and even double time, but are still unable to meet the rent or buy enough food, let alone get their kids the kinds of in toys ("status goods") that are going around.  They can try eating freedom and justice, but they don't taste very good when you can't make ends meet.
----- Original Message -----
From: Thomas Lunde <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 3:36 AM
Subject: Re: Slightly extended (was Re: [Futurework] David Ricardo, Caveman Trade vs. Modern Trade

They don't need money, Thomas. They need justice and the freedom to enjoy it.

In a way, you are right.  Being poor and working with the poor as customers and neighbours let's me see the many ways the poor are lacking justice.  A recent article in the paper made the outstanding statement that 37% of workers in Canada are not covered by the Labour Code and laws.  When wages for the poor are kept artificially low, then the only way to compensate to maintain a survival standard is to work more.  Of course, there are about 4 to 5% who are mentally incapable, or physically disabled or in the case of single mothers, family challenged.  However, the work more solution has only produced the working poor, who still have to use food banks and subsidized housing, if thet can get it.  Not only that, as you suggest, they do not even have the freedom to enjoy what little they have.  I would agree, that justice and freedom would go a long way to compensating for money - or as you might suggest, make the earning and spending of money a by product of an effective system of justice and the freedom and thereby create a surplus to enjoy.


Thomas Lunde

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