I agree with Chris on this.   There are many things that the National and
even International state can do around laws and equality but education is
always local and the smaller and more specific the better.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christoph Reuss" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Futurework] Foul-up in education

> Keith Hudson wrote:
> > There'd be enough examples of good teachers in a state school who
> > could attract good students from discerning parents if they could be
> > released from the control of London. But the educationists have been
> > to try this so far because they know in the heart of hearts that there'd
> > an overall improvement. It'll happen one day -- perhaps still quite a
> > way off for you because Canada is not so highly centralised as England.
>                                            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Here Keith is reaching the core of the issue.  The problem is
> rather than "state" as such.  But, you can have centralization in private
> corporations too --even more of it--, especially in large corporations.
> And guess where increasing privatization and merger-mania leads to ?
> So, even if private schools would be better than state schools as such,
> it's just a matter of time that private school corporations become
> vast and inefficient -- with the additional disadvantage of lacking
> democratic checks and balances.
> As with the scary NHS horror stories:
> The problem isn't "the state" but that poor Keith picked the wrong state.
> Chris
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