Keith Hudson wrote:
> I don;t agree -- big business will go along with the EU with alacrity
> because they always make a bee-line for government in order to get
> privileges, as Harry often observes. But they're not the main drivers.

The ERT's own documents show that they are.  ERT members' behavior is
also pretty telling (e.g. in the pro-EU campaign in CH).

> Their main motivations are to make money, not to get involved in politics
> directly.

To make money (in the east), they have to get involved in politics (eastern
enlargement).  A means to an end.

> (The only exceptions to this being some entreprneurs of the old
> school -- that is, the particularly corrupt ones, particularly Italians and
> French.)

Nonono, thesa guysa don'ta needa da easterna enlargementa !  The Albanian/
Romanian mafia is a pretty nasty competition on one's own territory...

>  In England, according to the Institute of Directors, big business
> is divided about 50:50, and according to the Chambers of Commerce, most of
> their members are against the EU (about 60:40), seeing no particular
> advantage in the EU and the Euro except a 0.25% reduction in exchange rate
> commissions.

England is different because it's leaning to the other side of the Atlantic
(having incorporated Maggie T's motto that everything good comes from west
and everything bad from the continent..).


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