Title: More Information for hungry minds


As you know, I’m not particularly enamored of our “bought and paid for” legislators, which rarely receives a retort to the point, but often complaints that I am against government, which I’m not.

Obviously government can be useful to us.

I do get tense over an attitude that emerges that we are here as creatures of the government (or the community) rather than that the government (or the community) is a servant of ours designed to make things easier.

These Congressional “Walruses and Carpenters” tell us of how they are serving us, but I am better served by the guy at 3 am in a cherry picker hovering in mid-air repairing the power lines.

Anyway, the European Parliament has learned how to board the gravy train.

Add 50% to the pounds below to get dollar figures.

At least they will have a merry Christmas.





(Filed: 18/12/2003) Telegraph UK

Euro-MPs awarded themselves a 30 per cent pay rise yesterday  with  no

loss of their office perks.

Pay for British MEPs is to jump from  £55,000  to  £72,000  overnight,

severing the link with their  Westminster  colleagues  for  the  first


The new formula harmonises MEP salaries  towards  the  highest  level,

whether they come from rich or poor countries.

Spain's MEPs will double their salaries.  Hungarian  or  Latvian  MEPs

will rise into the top tier of Europe's elite when they  join  the  EU

next year while their national colleagues must limp  along  on  £6,500

and £7,600 a year respectively.

Each MEP receives a tax-free £108,000 a year for staff expenses - used

by almost half the British delegation to  pay  spouses,  children  and

immediate kin, often doubling the family income.

A further £32,000 is wired into their accounts annually  for  "general

expenses". Earmarked for  paperclips,  stamps,  and  such,  it  is  in

reality an extra bonus since the European Parliament's twin  sites  in

Brussels and Strasbourg already provide free offices and computers.

MEPs also receive an attendance fee of £185 a day for showing up. Many

amass £925 a week extra in cash.


Henry George School of Social Science

of Los Angeles

Box 655   Tujunga   CA   91042

Tel: 818 352-4141   --   Fax: 818 353-2242



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