Thomas Lunde wrote:
> > Now this is interesting!  You want to help McJob corporations to further
> > lower their McWages for shit work, in order to increase shareholder profits,
> > all at the expense of taxpayers.  BI as a neo-con scheme after all ?

> I thought you'd like that little twist Chris.  Gotta keep the ol capitalists
> happy.  Actually, I think what it would do is straighten up McDonalds and
> those other exploiters who don't pay teenagers overtime and only give adults
> partime work so they don't have to pay benefits.  This gives the lower end
> employee, the freedom to quit.  That is one of the big freedoms that the
> working class has lost in the neo con heaven we live in.  Keep the slaves at
> a subsistence level of wages - keep 7 - 10% employment so there are plenty
> of other potential slaves standing in line and then go to the government and
> demand more flexibility in the Labour Code.

You want to have the cake and eat it too.  On the one hand, you say that BI
gives employees the freedom to quit.  But OTOH, you said that the BI would
be low enough to make most people want to work nonetheless.  So the
McCorporations would still have enough "potential slaves standing in line",
with the additional advantage that they can pay even lower wages (i.e.
make higher profits) since they're supplemented by the BI, as you admit.

Also, you start from the problematic assumption that McDeath should be
allowed to continue at all (and even be helped with the BI!) with
the massive external costs that result from its unhealthy junk food
and environmental destruction.  In the non-BI system I envision,
McDeath would be slapped with punitive eco-taxes and health-taxes
and would have to pay decent minimum wages ($16+).  Also, paying
no BI, the gov't could afford to offer well-paid (>>$16) workfare
jobs with high socio-environmental usefulness, which would lure
workers away from McDeath.  As a result, junk food would become
so expensive, McJobs would become so relatively unattractive, and
McShareholder profits would become so low, that McDeath (and other
McCorporations) would have to shut down, resulting in very positive
socio-enviro-economic consequences overall.

I think the hamburger example illustrates very well what an
unsustainable --even counter-productive-- "band-aid" BI would be.


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