> On Mon, Jul 16, 2007 at 12:54:09PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > Probably some of the latest changes is breaking this.
> > 
> > The attached patch fixes these errors and some more warnings.
> > Can someone please commit it?
> This patch does not apply cleanly against CVS.

:-P  I don't have CVS access at work.

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/fvwm/cvs.2/fvwm> patch -p1 < /tmp/3287-001.bin 
> patching file ChangeLog
> Hunk #1 succeeded at 7 with fuzz 1 (offset 6 lines).
> patching file libs/Fxpm.h
> Hunk #4 FAILED at 96.
> 1 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file libs/Fxpm.h.rej
> patching file libs/PictureImageLoader.c
> Hunk #14 FAILED at 881.
> 1 out of 16 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
> libs/PictureImageLoader.c.rej

That doesn't look too serious.  Can you fix that manually?

> Without it, I'm getting a bunch of errors different to what was
> reported:

Never mind, there's a semicolon missing in Fxpm.h, so you'll get
tons of errors with --without-xpm-lib.


Dominil ^_^  ^_^
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