Dominik Vogt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi Scott,
> On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 12:38:34PM +0200, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > Now that we have the html docs, someone has to write down detailed
> > instructions in docs/DEVELOPER how to get the html files into
> > fvwm-web during the release process.  I can't do that.
> I *really* need instruction in the docs/DEVELOPER file if we want
> the man pages on the web page to be up to date.  I don't have the
> slightest idea what I have to do.  Help!

There does seem to be an issue.
I was able to build with --enable-htmldoc.

That gave me some pretty nice man pages in

Then I looked in fvwm-web and was surprised to see
the manpages2php script was still in there.
Then I looked at the Fvwm web site and I see we still have
the old web pages online at

I think it's time to put the new pages in place.

I'll take care of this if you want.
I think we need to change the manpages2php script so it doesn't
do anything for the "unstable" branch.

Document the new procedure which should just be:

build with --enable-htmldoc
then copy the whole hierarchy created in /share over to

Then update/commit.

Dan Espen                           E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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