On Thu, Mar 06, 2008 at 06:29:20AM +0100, Jesús Guerrero wrote:
> Hello,
> This problem has been around for some time, though I just ignored it
> silently. I made a small video (a few secs, 1,4mb or so).
> http://jesgue.homelinux.org/other-files/out-1.ogv

The download does not work.  I always just get between 0 and 138k
of the file.  Can you send me the file in a private email or host
it somewhere else?  (*Don't* hit the reply button, you have to
type my address manually).

And please post a minimal config file that shows the problem.

> You can see it with mplayer.
> It shows how the gradient is not correctly drawn, I think that there's
> some problem calculating the height of the item or something. On each step
> the gradient seems to be drawn 1 or 2 pixels below the previous location
> (in relative terms).
> I can't explain too accurately with words, so a video seemed the best
> option to me. This has been around for a long time, but I don't use
> to use gradients so it doesn't really bother me.
> This is on a cvs -unpatched- build from yesterday.
> I suspect that the problem might be into menuitem.c, but being completely
> ignorant about fvwm's source and xlib programming in general, it's not easy
> for me to understand it. So, if anyone can tell me where to look, or just
> patch it, then it'd be great.


Dominik ^_^  ^_^


Dominik Vogt

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