On 16 May 2008 13:49:48 +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> Dear all,
> It is with regret and sadness that I have just found that that Alex
> Wallis (or 'awol' as he was perhaps better known by many on IRC)
> passed away last night.  He was 55.
> He will be sorely missed by those of us who knew him.  He founded the
> #fvwm IRC channel and for years he and I were the sole bearers in that
> channel watching it grow as it has.  He liked that aspect very much.
> He also worked hard on fvwm-themes in the early days, creating his own
> theme which he would promote tirelessly to new users of FVWM.  He was
> a strong believer in FVWM, and I think it's that which many here will
> miss.
> Alex saw something in me I do not, and that is faith and respect.  He
> would promote my efforts of FVWM.  I shall miss that.
> Requiescat in pace
> Sadly,
> -- Thomas Adam

This is so sad. In the past I had enough personal and public talks with
Alex to understand what a good man he is, full of patience and respect.
I still can't think about him in the past sense. My condolences to
everyone who was in close contact with this nice man.

I may only hope I did something possibly small in the life to make Alex
happier, and I am sorry if I did not do enough. Life is so unpredictable.
Rest in peace.


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