On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 11:19:27PM -0700, Ilya Sandler wrote:
> Good morning/evening,
> It seems that most modern GUIs try to highlight a widget under the
> mouse pointer. This visual feedback is especially useful for
> closely-spaced widgets like fvwm buttons in window titlebar, so I'm
> attaching a patch which implements this functionality.

If you are going to highlight title bar buttons, why not title, side
and corner handles as well?  They are usually grabable.

> A few notes:
> 1. I used Jes?s Guerrero's hover patch as a starting point (But rather
> than allowing user to specify "hover" styles in the configuration, my
> patch simply highlights the existing button pixmap without any
> configuration requirements)

If by 'without any configuration requirements' means it can't be
disabled by the configuration, I'm not going to like it.

David Fries <da...@fries.net>
http://fries.net/~david/ (PGP encryption key available)

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