On Sun, May 03, 2009 at 02:31:09AM +0100, Thomas Adam wrote:
> 2009/5/3 Paul Vojta <vo...@math.berkeley.edu>:
> >> Can we have a minimal .fvwm2rc file (not the name here -- as opposed
> >> to the, I hope, misnamed .fvwmrc in the original post) which produces
> >> this?
> >
> > ---- begin ----
> > MenuStyle * TitleWarp
> >
> > Mouse 1 R       A       Menu RootMenu Nop
> >
> > AddToMenu RootMenu      "Root Menu"     Title
> > +                       "xterm"         Exec exec xterm
> > +                       "iceweasel"     Exec exec iceweasel
> > +                       "(De)Iconify"   Iconify
> > +                       "restart"       Restart
> > +                       "go back"       Restart fvwm -f config
> > +                       "quit X"        Quit
> > ---- end ----
> Right -- so I finally realised what it is you're referring to (albeit
> I had to do too much guessing even with that config).  The default for
> this changed in 2.5.17 for title warps not to happen on root menus.  I
> can't recall why, but the attached patch will hopefully put back the
> "old" behaviour.   This isn't being commited in CVS or anything like
> that -- this behaviour exists for a reason.
> -- Thomas Adam

Still, it is useful to be able to do title warps for root menus, and
the WarpTitle option doesn't quite do it.  The WarpTitle option for some
reason warps to the first menu item, so if I change my mind and decide
not to do anything after clicking the menu I have to move the pointer
off of the menu or onto its title before clicking to dismiss the menu
or I'll get (in the above example) an extraneous xterm.

Does anybody know the reason why the change in 2.5.17 was made?  It's
rather unsatisfying to give a valid reason for a change, and be told,
"well, there's this other reason for not making the change, and we can't
remember what it was, but it was more important."

Speaking of too much guessing, *I* had to do too much guessing to find
out how to specify menu options.

--Paul Vojta, vo...@math.berkeley.edu

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